(I posted this in the game list, but here it goes as its own thing)
I only made a post for this right now because, well, my brain just thought of 2Dark by Gloomywood Studio. They just kinda dropped the game that is «balls to the wall» on the heavy/horror topics mixed with stealth and dark humor back in 2017 by Fréderick Raynal. They also made a voxel editor I still got from the Beta Days, but the weirdest thing is that, despite my best researches, the studio is either rebranded to Ludoid (or merged with it) or just vanished off the face of the Earth long after the Kickstarting Campaign.
It could truly do for an either Extra vid somewhere (given the sometime graphic content of that voxel game) or just a topic to dig out. I tried to do my part by saving the Editor from oblivion by putting it on the Internet Archives because I just enjoyed how it rendered stuff, really.
Happy Halloween, for I might just disappear after this post, never been big on forums nowadays.