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Erasmus Roterodamnsus

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  1. Update: Solarrios passes along a better translation: Igre mogu spasiti Europljani! (Ozbiljan sam)
  2. Update: The title of the video is: "Europejczycy mogą uratować gaming! (short) - MASZ TĘ MOC"
  3. Short version. Also on behalf of translator Chris: Krótkie omówienie inicjatywy obywatelskiej UE! Jeśli zostanie ona przyjęta, utworzone zostanie nowe prawo, uniemożliwiające wydawcom niszczenie gier, które Ci już sprzedali. Pomóż w zbieraniu podpisów obywateli UE! Link do podpisania inicjatywy UE: https://eci.ec.europa.eu/045/public/#/screen/home Przewodniki, jak podpisać inicjatywę UE: https://www.stopkillinggames.com/eci
  4. On behalf of translator Chris: Europejczycy mogą uratować gry wideo przed zniszczeniem! Europejska Inicjatywa Obywatelska właśnie wystartowała i stanowi największą i najbardziej ambitną szansę na stworzenie nowego prawa, które zapobiegnie niszczeniu gier przez wydawców klientom, którzy je kupili. Pomóż w zbieraniu podpisów obywateli UE! Link do podpisania inicjatywy UE: https://eci.ec.europa.eu/045/public/#/screen/home Przewodniki, jak podpisać inicjatywę UE: https://www.stopkillinggames.com/eci
  5. On behalf of translator Kirmaster. Translated title: Europeanen kunnen gaming redden - IK MEEN HET! Description: Europeanen kunnen videogames redden van de vernietiging! Het Europese Burger Initiatief is net begonnen en is de grootste en meest ambitieuze kans om nieuwe wetten te maken zodat uitgevers niet meer spellen mogen vernietigen die ze je al verkocht hebben. Zorg ervoor dat EU burgers hem tekenen! https://eci.ec.europa.eu/045/public/#/screen/home https://www.stopkillinggames.com/eci #StopKillingGames ECI_dutch.srt
  6. The second title translation passed to us has garnered some confusion from some comments (we're trying to save games, not the gaming industry, big big difference), so instead of the correction, the original title is preferred: "¡Los europeos pueden salvar los videojuegos! (Lo digo en serio)"
  7. My mistake: I looked a little closer, and I realize now: "Note: You may not have multi-language audio available. We will continue to roll this feature out to more creators." So I don't know if YouTube is picky about who they give those privileges to, or if Ross isn't famous enough or what. Guess we're on a waiting game. I don't suppose anybody wants to reupload a dub or something. Damn.
  8. Ross has approved dubbing! (Some countries prefer it to subtitling) The Spanish dub for the ECI launch was produced by native speaker KB (one of the official ECI organizers), and, as per Ross's request, approved by multiple people: Besides KB from Spain himself, Spanish speakers jun.soda and Daniel Alejandro Salcedo Perez have OK'd it, verifying that it is mutually understandable, and of sufficient quality to be free from critical error. Guide to uploading dub track. Audio levels matched to original video, background noise and music included. A damn good first attempt if I do say so myself. With the approval of three Spanish speakers, I feel confident submitting this dub, especially for spreading additional awareness about the campaign. We can make improvements upon hearing feedback. Feedback received so far are all on negligibly miniscule hiccups (2-3 non-essential line exclusions/no stinger dubbing) that do not detract from the main thesis of the video proper, but more importantly would require another recording session, and several technical back and forths, so we'd rather just submit this as it is when it's already been approved. https://mega.nz/file/27IVgRbb#9CBin9tStNogUDkBktHe2pVNhxDynirfC-NCtgx2g1M
  9. Translator Relvean has provided German subtitles for the Stop Killing Games: Discord Launch video! Good thing too, now we're getting the languages on the video that really need it, seeing the multiple languages available in the server. Title: Stop Killing Games jetzt auf Discord Description: Die ‘Stop Killing Games’ Kampagne hat jetzt ihren eigenen, öffentlich zugänglichen Discord-Server! Dieser hilft euch hoffentlich bei der Koordinierung zukünftiger Aktionen, aber ihr entscheidet letztendlich, was ihr damit tun wollt. Link zum Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/gGAwxgarzZ https://stopkillinggames.com/ Stop Killing Games Discord Launch_de.srt
  10. On behalf of translators soup, KVELLER, and MarcosVLl2. Finally we can bring some Spanish speakers into the Discord! (It is peninsular Spanish if you were wondering. Like English, it's best to keep it simple and label it only as Spanish to cast the widest net possible. We can provide Latin American Spanish subtitles later if really necessary, but native Spaniards are the higher priority). Title: Stop Killing Games: Lanzamiento de Discord Description: ¡El movimiento Stop Killing Games ahora tiene un Discord oficial abierto al público! Esto debería servir para coordinar acciones futuras, pero también dependerá de lo que quieran los usuarios hacer con él. Aquí está el enlace al Discord: https://discord.com/invite/gGAwxgarzZ https://stopkillinggames.com SKG_discordLaunch_CasEUspanish.srt
  11. With Croatian subtitles are already available, translator DaPickle has provided the translated title and description to make the ECI launch video completely all-inclusive for the country. Title: Europljani mogu spasiti gaming! (Ozbiljan sam) Description: Europljani mogu spasiti videoigre od trajnog uništenja! Europska građanska inicijativa je upravo pokrenuta i predstavlja nam najveću i najambiciozniju priliku da stvorimo novi zakon, kojim bi spriječilli izdavačima uništavanje igara koje su vam već prodali. Informirajte sve građane Europske unije koje poznate i zamolite ih da potpišu inicijativu! Na sljedećoj poveznici možete potpisati inicijativu: https://eci.ec.europa.eu/045/public/ Upute za potpisivanje EU inicijative možete pronaći na sljedećoj poveznici: https://www.stopkillinggames.com/eci
  12. On behalf of translator and ECI organizer, Konecsin Zoltán Károly. Title: "Mentsük meg a videójátékokat: Discord szerver" Description: A Mentsük meg a videójátékokat kampánynak megnyílt a nyílvános Discord szervere! Ezzel remélhetőleg jövőbeni akciókat tudunk majd szervezni, de persze a felhasználókon múlik milyen irányba viszik. https://discord.com/invite/gGAwxgarzZ https://stopkillinggames.com SKG_DiscordLaunch_HU.srt
  13. On behalf of the same translator who captioned the full version! Title: "Европейцы могут спасти игры (краткая версия)" Description: Небольшая реклама для Европейской гражданской инициативы! Если она пройдёт, то приведёт к появлению нового закона, запрещающего издателям уничтожать игры, которые они уже продали вам. Зовите граждан ЕС подписать! Ссылка на инициативу: https://eci.ec.europa.eu/045/public Гайд о том, как правильно подписать инициативу: https://www.stopkillinggames.com/eci ECIshort_ru_polished.srt
  14. Thank you Daniel! Czech title came in: "Evropané mají šanci zachránit videohry!"
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