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  1. 7/10]Basically I agree with it, but then why all the padding? Just say women are subject to weird double standards and be done with! If heavy metal bands ruled the world, we'd be a lot better off. - Bruce Dickinson
  2. Banned for making 851 Tron sequels.
  3. I dont know if I should of posted this here or on the free for all area, or if I even can create a thread about a YouTube channel but I have not made a topic yet so I might as well post one. Has anybody heard of and like AlChestBreach? As you might of guessed from my avatar (a character he made up named Curt Beltpantz in GTA 5) I am a fan and religious follower of "the breach doctrine". How did you first discover him and what do you like (or hate) about him? Of all his regular series and scheduled stuff what do you enjoy the most? Fallout mods? His old Skyrim mod playthroughs? Indie sunday? Misc mondays? His crazy schemes on Sims with the Duggart family? I am sorry if this is a bit of an obscure topic but I liked him and wanted to post something. : "Can you hear the screaming of the piss?" : "Remember what your mother told you. Keep eating!" : "Yes I am sure a bear who can't drive can give you the Heimlich maneuver" : "I'm axe man. And I am technically not allowed to be in this bar"
  4. I believe the next Game Dungeon episode is Deus Ex, so no worries I heard! I watched the Spiderbot episode not long after posting this and now I am psyched. I am sure Ross wont disappoint.
  5. I wish age advancement (like Spore and Age of Empires) in strategy games was not just a checklist of resources, researched tech and abilities, time passing, etc and more a complex thing that let you tailor and gradually change your civilization to a more unique thing, rather than just shunting it into the next preset era. Maybe I should play more recent strategy games.
  6. Spore. It is a shame that the only good thing about this game are the alien, building and vehicle editors.
  7. I was going to make a thread about but is anyone here a fan of crust, hardcore and punk music? I will post some of my favorite bands at the bottom. I tend to make friends with either fullblown metal heads or people into pop punk and emotional hardcore, where I have always preferred the sound of something between the two extremes. These songs are memorable as anything else in the charts yet still sound extreme enough to have some real bite. They sound more angry than anything I have ever heard before or since. ziyUFuARll4 kFJqmGuCiHE q0rawSBaUbI lbp35eoVdJ8 RYZMwd_ODUY
  8. xOiS0jqlkA4 Hands down my favorite band ever.
  9. People that try to tell you/expect to follow a certain path and do everything right immediately. How about I just play it myself in my own time and figure it out. The apocalypse is not gonna happen just because I did not 'do it right' or 'git gud' or whatever.
  10. Those are some awesome ideas Selfsurprise. I take it I need to put numbers to my ideas. I have only watched my sister playing the Fallout games starting from number 3 but I think I have some original ideas. 15]More ghoul types. Fallout 4 had a bunch of different ghouls, but I think some weird elemental frost, lava, mud, smoke, salt and diamond ghouls would be pretty sweet. 16]A Crazy Cat Lady who throws live cats at you. Maybe has some way of 'generating' more cats? Disturbing when you think about it. 17]Zombie giant bugs that are affected by that fungus (I forget the name) that makes insects behave weirdly and eventually bursts out of their heads. 18]Bandits that are just trying to form a crust or d-beat band. 19]A race of squat burrowing supermutants that, rather than attacking you, just want to become your companion. 20]Mobile vegetables created by the institute as a punishment for anyone who did not eat their greens as a child. 21]Crocodile + dolphin hybrids. That is all I got right now.
  11. I really like the Killzone games, but thats more of a gameplay thing than me being into the lore or story or anything, because like most action orientated games its pure garbage.
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