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Everything posted by ThePest179

  1. Evidently so. Seems there's no way to change my username either so I can't disassociate myself from the dumbfuckery I got up to when I was younger.
  2. Is there any way that I can delete my account or am I stuck with this forever?
  3. Goodness, what happened to you back then? And are you sure more Freeman's Mind can't solve it? Oh hey, it's a post I made four years ago that I'm now greatly embarrassed by. Since I can't really remember anything specific back then, I think I was just being a massive prick back then and tried making up a bullshit excuse for it. I hate younger me.
  4. I think GG could've really benefitted from having a centralized leadership; having people like Bryan "King of /pol/" Dunn and Vordrak on your side is not going to be a benefit.
  5. Looking back on things, I used to be really anti-GG because I was going through a cringey SJW phase. Nowadays I can't help but think the whole thing was just a shitshow between two equally dumb groups who fed off the other's stupidity.
  6. A lady never tells her age. Your own business keeps you busy 48 hours odd to 24, didn't your mother tell you?
  7. How old are you? This is a serious question; when I was younger I used to be really into political stuff like this and wrote out big rants like these. I find it embarrassing nowadays.
  8. I was not expecting that. This is why I love the series so much.
  9. it's been confirmed YEARS ago that the episodic series was done for and Valve wasn't gonna release another. Marc more or less wrote this to bridge the gap between Episode 2 and HL3. Yeah, but I still held on to some fruitless hope that it would happen. Not anymore.
  10. I used to have hope that Episode 3 would eventually come out, but I think this killed my optimism. Episode 3 is never happening.
  11. I wish I could go back in time and punch out my younger self.
  12. This made my day.
  13. TLoZ: Ocarina of Time. I'm not sure why this is usually considered the best game ever made, but I haven't gotten too far yet. I'll reserve judgement for the end.
  14. After re-watching this, maybe instead of mentioning Ed Wood, you could've brought up Tommy Wiseau. It would've had roughly the same effect.
  15. Missing Information
  16. Looking at my older posts. Holy shit, the cringe. It's too fucking much.
  17. This is pretty close to what was actually said.
  18. I was still in middle school when my friend recommended the series to me. I'm glad that my cringy, early pubescent years were spent on here rather than a more popular site like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or, God forbid, 4chan.
  19. It's no problem at all man. This is one of the few things I've done on the forums that I'm still proud of. While I'm posting here, I wonder if Freeman's paranoia issues have to do with his excessive drug usage. A quick Google search suggests that crystal meth use causes the onset of paranoia and delusional thinking, so it's possible that this is where some of Freeman's more...out there beliefs (such as believing owls can read his mind) stem from.
  20. This doesn't sound that weird to me. My little brother (11 years old) was caught watching hardcore porn on his laptop.
  21. This is about Pewdiepie, isn't it? I agree with you wholeheartedly on the issue; it's no fucking wonder why Trump can call the media "fake news" when they completely fail at doing their fucking job at every possibly opportunity.
  22. My friends throw shit at me a lot too. For no God damned reason. Wait, not for no reason, it's because I'm too weak (physically and mentally) to do a fucking thing about it. When I graduate, I've promised myself that I will not make another "friend" for the rest of my miserable fucking life.
  23. It's snowy as shit. School's been cancelled because of it.
  24. It's okay dude. I made a bunch of crappy threads (and posts) just like this when I first joined the board. I've grown a great deal since then.
  25. Lel. Can you provide a link? I'd like to read it.
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