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New Game Dungeon! This took way, way longer than it was supposed to. The original plan was to have this be under 20 minutes released last month. Instead, the game hit me pretty hard so I just didn’t want to leave so much out. Anyway, it’s finally done and I’m pretty happy with it, though I’m really going to have to go back to shorter episodes for a while. I think I figured out the source of some of my problems in the game since I made it, but not all of them.

On another note, I discovered a bug in Premiere hours ago, where it simply interpreted FRAPS footage improperly. It actually caused stalled frames and the timing to change. This came as a bit of a shock as I didn’t notice it until very late in the process. Re-encoding into another lossless codec solved the problem, but I wasn’t going to do that for 1.5TB of footage (the gameplay was recorded losslessly) without delaying the video another day at least. I solved the most egregious problems, but it’s possible there are some small problems left in there that I missed. I can release one of the problematic clips for testing if people are interested, though I should see if I can chop it without re-encoding as it’s about 30GB on its own. For anyone critical of fraps, feel free to recommend software for recording DirectX 5-8 content with hardware antialiasing enabled (it may not behave how you think).

Freeman’s Mind next! Should come much faster!

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17 minutes ago, SomethingOther said:

I'm pretty sure that whole thing irt "Sony forcing SEGA to port Heroes on the PS2" is a baseless rumor (and was created to defend Heroes as a game); as far as I can tell, Heroes was always meant to be on the GameCube, [OG] Xbox and the PlayStation 2 - if this and this are of any indication. I think the PS2 ports were just rushed or poorly implemented on their own terms (especially given other Renderware engine titles that were also multiplatform).


Oh, I guess I was wrong, NVM then. That was what I had always heard, and they way people presented that made it seem like it was fact, so I took it as fact. I think I was also too lazy to look it up when I first heard it because I was a young idiot.

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I doubt any platform holder goes around strongarming publishers into porting specific games to their platform with threats to withhold certification on other games. Least of all PlayStation in 2004, which was already the platform every game in the universe was made for or ported to because of its epic install base. That would be the pettiest thing anyone could ever possibly do.

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35 minutes ago, lice said:

Ross, please don't use the R word (21:31)

Not trying to be rude, but I've seen comments like that in RedHotSonic's videos. Which makes sense as his avatar is a red Sonic, which attracts kids, but it's just kinda strange to see that here.

Edited by Chrisfratz (see edit history)

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6 hours ago, lice said:

Ross, please don't use the R word (21:31)

Do you realize that it was used in the most correct way possible? I.e., to describe the actual medical condition?

Come the full moon, the bat flies whose boiling blood shall stem the tide.

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Oh yeah, another comment: a lot of the "cult of Sonic" weirdness is probably thanks to Ken Penders' run on the Archie Comic's Sonic the Hedgehog comic series, which was also the basis for the Saturday morning cartoon series. It's funny you mentioned not knowing "Sonic's cousin," since the comics gave Knuckles a huge family tree--Penders also really likes Knuckles and the echidnas, for some reason.

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9 hours ago, RocketDude said:

Oh yeah, another comment: a lot of the "cult of Sonic" weirdness is probably thanks to Ken Penders' run on the Archie Comic's Sonic the Hedgehog comic series, which was also the basis for the Saturday morning cartoon series. It's funny you mentioned not knowing "Sonic's cousin," since the comics gave Knuckles a huge family tree--Penders also really likes Knuckles and the echidnas, for some reason.

1. The SatAM cartoon came first; albeit if I recall correctly, the Archie Sonic comics and SatAM were developed concurrently with one another. (Also, SatAM was initially the only cartoon DIC was to produce of Sonic, until ABC shenanigans somewhat forced them to split their cartoon into SatAM and AoStH.) Also, Penders didn't write for the Archie Sonic comics until much later on in it's early life.
2. Most of the Sonic Cult actually hates and rejects Ken Penders, and for good reason: He's a gross piece of shit, and an infamous scumfuck. And this is just scratching the surface of the iceburg that is Penders, believe you me.

Edited by SomethingOther (see edit history)

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12 hours ago, RaTcHeT302 said:


I personally think it's a fun way to have a laugh at how at times it can feel like one. Especially with how vocal some of the shall we say... village idiots can be.

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13 hours ago, SomethingOther said:

1. The SatAM cartoon came first; albeit if I recall correctly, the Archie Sonic comics and SatAM were developed concurrently with one another. (Also, SatAM was initially the only cartoon DIC was to produce of Sonic, until ABC shenanigans somewhat forced them to split their cartoon into SatAM and AoStH.) Also, Penders didn't write for the Archie Sonic comics until much later on in it's early life.
2. Most of the Sonic Cult actually hates and rejects Ken Penders, and for good reason: He's a gross piece of shit, and an infamous scumfuck. And this is just scratching the surface of the iceburg that is Penders, believe you me.


Did not know that first bit. By "cult of Sonic," I was kind of referring to the weird fanart-y side, though maybe it arose independently of Penders' weirdness.

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On 9/24/2020 at 3:47 PM, Steve the Pocket said:

I doubt any platform holder goes around strongarming publishers into porting specific games to their platform with threats to withhold certification on other games.

Apple sort of tries to do that right now.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I suppose there is a sort of sense in that. I.e., "if you don't work with us now, don't be surprised if we don't want to work with you later." Still a bit silly, but it probably discourages publishers taking rain checks on platforms while also potentially generating some sales for the platform owner.

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On 9/23/2020 at 3:23 PM, RaTcHeT302 said:

those loading times are not worth it, plus the game is a god damn eye sore, somehow sonic heroes looks BETTER than a "next gen" game


sonic 2006 is not worth it

I cant agree with you.  Sonic heroes has one of worst visual styles and cinematics. Ingame animations are great though. You can fix sonic 06 problems with mods and emulation. Also a genious dude ChaosX currently remaking sonic 06 on unity for pc. Check it out if you have any interest, maybe it can prove my opinion on sonic 06.

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Oh yeah, the modding scene for 06 is starting to boom which is great. I saw one person trying to port some levels from Ninjabread Man to it for some reason. It's neat that you can do it, but sometimes I wonder if he thinks if he should do it.

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A few weeks past, and I still find it crazy Ross covered a game I played as a young kid!

Some pointers regarding the game: Sonic Heroes followed the trend of bad PC ports in the early to mid 2000's, and while it isn't unplayable, the hit detection was noticeably worse in spots, and the controls are a bit more slippery - so all that's to say it isn't entirely the game, isn't entirely Ross, it's partly the mediocre PC port.

A few other games that suffered from this: Sonic Adventure, Splinter Cell, Sega GT, Crazy Taxi, GTA 4, Halo and Halo 2.

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5 hours ago, kerdios said:

That's how I felt when I saw the first Tyrian2k video ?

I take it you're a fair few years older than I am then! I grew up with the Gamecube, so this was really crazy for me to see lol

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3 hours ago, RaTcHeT302 said:

yo i grew up on the playstation 2 \ playstation 1 and early 2005 pc games (age of mythology, black & white 2, the i of the dragon, team fortress 2, unreal 2004, a bunch else i can't recall atm)


you got any gamecube suggestions? i can emulate stuff nowdays which is neat as hell

i remember when we told other kids, "NO YOU CAN'T PLAY GRAN TURISMO 3 ON PC" and now i feel dumb lol




Super Mario Sunshine is the obvious pick, it's the main 3D mario of the era, also one of the better 3D Mario games! But in addition I'd recommend Super Monkey Ball 2, Sonic Adventure 2, Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door, Battle for Bikini Bottom (surprisingly good licensed game!), Puyo Pop Fever, Chibi Robo, Wind Waker and if you want a crazier version of the first Metal Gear, the Twin Snakes is a solid pick!

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It's definitely up to personal taste, I've loved all of these games, but if they're not your cup of tea, they're not your cup of tea. It sets the scene for most of the Gamecube library, so if none of them suit your fancy, I wouldn't bother too much? I kinda have the opposite effect with the PS2, I never had that growing up so the games don't really interest me too much. Same thing with FPS games, too! Halo was probably the worst example for me, I fell in love with the first three titles in that series, but anything after Bungie's time with it just doesn't capture the same magic unfortunately - feeling more like modern shooters I had zero interest in.

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