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New Game Dungeon episode! This was one I was on the fence with making, because I thought I might not be able to get it out in time for the end of summer, and looks like I was right. I think it came out alright, I felt like I covered a lot of miles in this one!

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Hey Ross, awesome episode, as always!


Say, have you seen the modern-resolution remake of OutRun on GitHub?


Isn't that exactly what you were looking for?

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I don't think I would call it exactly an out run clone but I am sure that you would enjoy the atmosphere music and odd story to the game Distance. It also has a way of creating a weird feeling. Sadly only a steam copy is all I can find. And I cot my copy one sale for the cost of a sandwich. Worth it at that price. Probably not the $30 they want now. But still there is a weird sense of impending doom in that game. Very unique experience.

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horizon chase turbo feels more like a spiritual successor to top gear 2 on the snes




World's largest wildfire is happening right now in Montana.

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I wonder what he feels about Test Drive Unlimited, and by extension Test Drive Unlimited Gold, the community expansion. 

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My Harry Potter knowledge is basically worthless these days, but as someone who read the books, they basically introduced the soul-splitting thing entirely as a scavenger hunt to center the end of the series around, and kind of wrote off the side effects as "ooh but he got even MORE heartless" which was completely hollow as the dude was already a serial killer as a child.


I think a better example would be something like Fullmetal Alchemist, where Homunculus/Father progressively loses aspects of his identity as he splits his worldly desires off into separate beings, and it ends up biting him in the ass at the end. Dude starts off as a funny little smoke ball in a jar, but ends as angry face man with no personality other than wanting power.



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Is it just me or the quote button doesn't work? Anyway, I hope Ross is aware of the above mentioned Cannonball, since it should be pretty close to what he has in mind.

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The thing you described at the end sounds like Cannonball. It's an engine for outrun that has higher resolution and 60fps support, as well as a track making tool called LayOut. It looks to still be a WIP though.

I actually signed up here just to acknowledge CannonBall

it’s almost exactly what Ross was asking for at the end and it even is the namesake of the “CannonBall Mode” that Slipstream included

I was honestly expecting the video to mention it at some point or another since Ross kept alluding to that mode, especially when he started describing it almost exactly: A ZDoom-style engine port which had tools for creating and playing custom maps

I’m not sure why you suggest it’s WIP though. CannonBall has been pretty solid at least since I learned about it maybe half a decade or so ago unless there’s something I’m missing? 0:

Edited by slightlyflightyone
I meant to quote the above post by tarlz_the_14th (see edit history)

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Oh hey, Outdrive! That's the DeLorean-driving-into-a-generic-80s-wallpaper game I'm pretty sure I (mis)remember Totalbiscuit doing a quick-look video of. Man, I wonder whose video that actually was...


Relatedly, does anyone know where that background (palm trees, segmented sunset, wireframe ground) originated? It's become such a cliché that it wouldn't surprise me to learn it's entirely an invention of the modern era and that no such image ever existed in the actual '80s.

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It's not really an Outrun-type game in terms of gameplay, but Victory Heat Rally is yet another game that's very much in the same visual mold.



Relatedly, does anyone know where that background (palm trees, segmented sunset, wireframe ground) originated? It's become such a cliché that it wouldn't surprise me to learn it's entirely an invention of the modern era and that no such image ever existed in the actual '80s.

The palm-trees-and-wireframes combo aesthetic is probably not necessarily authentic, but the wireframe/"gridzone" aesthetic itself does seem to date to the 80's and 90's, as seen in things like home video company logos on VHS tapes or ads for early home computers.

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Dude starts off as a funny little smoke ball in a jar, but ends as angry face man with no personality other than wanting power.


Ambition is a positive trait. Most stop at the no personality part

"Fleet Intelligence Coming Online"

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The way one drives between zones reminds me of the Amber books series by Roger Zelazny where its characters have a mode of transportation called "walking in Shadows".  Read it!  It is great!

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just randomly ran cross this on itch.io and had to think of the video here: this is an amalgation of OutRun and some other games of that area (apparently), but there is also a pure OutRun mode. never played the original OutRun and didnt really dive into this one here either but some people might be interested:


itch.io: TurboOutRun Reimagined

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