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Watch Part 2

Well I completely bombed the time estimate in my last post, I really don’t know why I thought I was going to get it done sooner, I think it was a combination of the scope increasing and underestimating just how much content there was. This one had so much I decided to split it into two chunks, although unlike some other episode there is a natural splitting point in this one. Working on this one reminded me the most of Strife mostly due to the scale, although Strife is hands down a great game, whereas Revenant is more complicated. I’m still working at getting the Game Dungeons cut down to only the best content, in this case it may have spiraled out of control a bit. If you enjoy seeing quirks and frustrations in the game with the videos, you’ll likely enjoy this one.

Also I may as well mention I ended up fixing the level load delay that plagued me through recording, but it happened so late in production, I didn’t mention it in the video, so you’ll get the more raw experience. Even with the “fix”, the game still fights me from using it every single time, so the video is still pretty representative of the experience.

Because this video took so long to make, I’m going to scale down my original plans for Halloween. I’m still going to have a Game Dungeon, but it won’t be a grandoise game with a huge scale, just because I don’t think I’ll have enough time. The voicework on the next Freeman’s Mind is done, but there are some complications arising in other areas. I’ll find a solution to it one way or another, more Freeman’s Mind is coming.



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(Downloadable copy will be up later)

Here’s the next episode of Freeman’s Mind. This one contains the most shouting there’s been in an episode in a while, but Freeman has some legitimate grievances. I originally considered skipping this area for FM since I felt like it was one of the more contrived areas, next to the giant fan room, but I saw some comments of people saying they had been looking forward to this part, so people will get the full experience instead. In any event, I’m happy with how this episode resolves the previous one. As a bit of side information, the very last part of this episode was literally played and recorded in slow motion. It was the only way I was able to preserve the motion blur AND not have the game glitch during the demo playback. Something about the one of the teleporters the demo system in Source simply did not like.

The voicework for #61 has been recorded, although it will take a little longer for the editing than this one did. In the meantime, I’m likely taking on more than I should and I plan for the next video to be another Game Dungeon. I’m aiming to have it by the end of the month, but I’m not promising anything. More videos coming one way or another!



Hey everyone, I have a side announcement to make. A while back modder Peter Graf contacted me for voice work on a mod he was working on in the Source engine. It’s a first person puzzle solving game where you’re guided around by a robot. It’s recently been released and you can check it out here:


I play the voice of the main robot (after being run through a synthesized filter). I wasn’t involved with the dialogue or design of this, I was just a voice actor for hire, with Peter directing me on the tone he was after for the lines. I’m embarrassed I haven’t had a chance to play the mod myself since I’ve been busy churning out my own content (next FM coming before too long!), but I can say that the creator has put a ton of effort into this, so if you like puzzles and free games, I can’t think of a reason not to check it out.


Youtube link

(Downloadable copy will be up later)

Freeman’s Mind continues! This episode got delayed more than I intended, but I’ve been working ahead as well. I hope #60 isn’t too far behind.

I made some adjustments to this episode based on how the last one went. The first is I increased the field of vision, something I should have done in the last episode, but didn’t notice it being a problem until it was a little too late. For some reason, it never registered in my brain, even though I knew something was wrong. This episode has been adjusted from the default 90 degrees for Uplink to 106, so it should more closely match the previous ones from HL: Source.

The other big change made is based on the feedback from the last episode, I decided to drop Freeman’s morphine tripping as many people were finding it annoying. While I try my best, I see no reason to adhere to consistency if it hurts the overall impact of the show, so this episode is much more the standard Freeman you’re probably used to. Afterall, it wouldn’t be the first inconsistency. Speaking of which, this episode has another consistency shortcoming because of an invisible wall, but I didn’t want to re-record the whole episode because of it, so you can think of it as an easter egg. While I never plan to sacrifice the writing or voice acting quality, in general my attitude towards bugs and other errors in the show is to just keep moving forward.

On that note, more Freeman’s Mind is coming, though I may try to squeeze in some more Game Dungeons if I can, it will be a bit of juggling act. In the meantime, this episode has one of my favorite endings in a while.


Hey everyone, there’s been a longer than expected delay since the last video, so I wanted to give a bit of an update. Right now I’m done with the voicework for Freeman’s Mind episode 59 AND 60 and I’m currently working on episode 61. The sound editing help has ended up being a bit of a hold up, but I plan to get it resolved as soon as possible. I still want to keep the pace pretty relentless on FM since I promised to finish it this year, although at the rate it’s going, I may risk trying some more Game Dungeons in between Freeman’s Mind, I’ll have to see. More videos coming soon!

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