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All questions answered (sort of)! In addition to my first Youtube video appearance, this is an update for just about everything I have planned for 2015 and beyond. I was hoping to have this video out about 2 weeks ago, but all the little things ended up taking me a lot longer than I planned. While I tried to add some humor, this video is largely informative more than anything else. I cover so much in this video, I ended up providing bookmark links so you can jump straight to different topics (they’re in the Youtube description). Anyway, I’m making no promises, but I hope to have multiple videos out for next month. I’d say more, but really this video covers just about everything (for now).

ADHD version: See what Ross looks like! Ross is making more videos.

I completely forgot to add that I’m also interested in any offers from pixel-art artists. I’d like to have more variety with the titles for Game Dungeon, so I could potentially showcase more art in the show once I figure out what I’m doing. Go ahead and email me if you’re interested in this.



Youtube link

(Downloadable copy will be up later)

Behold the final episode of Freeman’s Mind! I think most people will agree it ends on a pretty strong note. This episode ended up being pretty grueling to get done due to all the finale content. I originally meant to have this a day early, but the number of fixes was so massive I’m coming in just under the wire here. This is my own fault, since I tried to squeeze in Game Dungeon episodes also. That’s really the story of Freeman’s Mind: it would have been done a long time ago if I hadn’t been working on other things this whole time.

Freeman’s Mind is complete! The curse has been lifted! Now I can turn back into a human! On that note, sometime in January I plan to make a video appearance and try to answer all the biggest questions people have and lay out all the

plans for Accursed Farms for 2015 and beyond. I’m having a video camera sent to me as a late Christmas present, so I’ll start filming as soon as it arrives. My guess is it could be mid January before it arrives, so you may have to wait until then. I’ve found that video is far more effective at communicating to the entire fanbase than just posting information here (or in the credits, as you’ll find out once you watch the episode). So if you want answers, you’re just going to have to wait until sometime January, sorry.

Right now I’m pretty burned out, I was neglecting just about everything in order to make the episodes in time, so I have a whole bunch I need to catch up on. After I’ve recovered a little bit and dealt with more urgent things, I’ll start updating the website and replying to many emails and donators I’ve gotten lately. I seriously was putting off everything in order to make it to this point. If you’re wondering what the “secret” was to getting so many videos out. It was simply, do NOTHING BUT Freeman’s Mind for MONTHS.

I saw a lot of comments about people feeling saddened that the series is finishing, but I plan on making tons more videos, just not necessarily Freeman’s Mind in the near future. I don’t really have some huge epiphany about the series, to me it’s one project that just seemed to never end. I’m glad I did it, but there’s a whole bunch of other stuff I’d like to do also. There will be many more videos coming for 2015! I just need to go into one of those medical tanks like Luke Skywalker for a while first.

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ADHD version : Freeman’s Mind is complete! Ross worked hard on it. Questions will be answered later!



Youtube link

(Downloadable copy will be up later)

The end approaches for Freeman! I don’t have a whole lot to say since I’ve been spending so much time in the game it all starts to blur from one area to the next for me. Freeman Freeman Freeman. This episode was a bit of a break, since areas that don’t involve constant shouting tend to go much faster than ones where he’s under constant attack, and there’s a fair amount of cooldown time in this level. I still intend to make good on my promise to finish the series this year, but I’ll need a few days to finish things off, as there is some bonus stuff I’m adding.

See if you can spot the hidden body falling in the episode! I didn’t notice it until late in editing.


Enjoy the first Christmas episode of Ross’s Game Dungeon! If you’re like me and you get sick of overly-sentimental content around Christmas time, then I think you’ll like this episode. You’re not going to get lots of heart warming affirmations for this video, instead, you’re going to have some intense snowmobiling in a game loaded with enigmas.

Besides recording a racing game, it was a serious race for me to make this on top of finishing off Freeman’s Mind this month, but I wanted to make a Christmas episode and didn’t want to miss my chance two years in a row. At first I had massive problems getting it to run and almost considering doing a different game, but didn’t think I had time for my other candidates. Also despite being shorter than some other episodes, this one might have taken the most editing work so far. No worries though, I wouldn’t have made this if I didn’t think I could finish Freeman’s Mind in under a week. Even if the assistance I’m getting disappears and my computer catches on fire, I’ll still get it made. I’m not prepared for a meteor strike, but anything less and I should be alright.

I think I’m slowly getting better at cutting down Game Dungeon to just the best parts as there were several parts I left out of this one to try and make it more concise. Here are some extra notes you might want to check out after watching video.

Extra things I could have said, but didn’t :

-The game is actually capped at 29.1fps, this isn’t a standard framerate for anything.
-The menus default to 640x480 and can’t be changed.
-I considered having a slow motion snowmobile wreck set to “o come all ye faithful”
-I love the body language of the real life snowmobiler shown in the video. He gets off the sled like a cartoon character.
-This is a game that really would have benefitted from ragdoll physics.
-At one point I caught the computer teleporting ahead of me, but didn’t have it on video. I also spotted the computer teleporting outside the track briefly.
-An alternative theory to Point Defiance’s timeline is that Mobygames doesn’t have enough damn information and I got confused since they don’t even acknowledge the existence of my copy of the game. That still doesn’t explain the 6 year gap in between the song release.
-I may have been a little hard calling Point Defiance’s music generic. It’s good, just not mind blowing (though Precious Burden is particularly good).
-Point Defiance actually Photoshopped out their old band member in their promo photos. It wasn’t me!
-The files also had a “concept sled” model, but they would crash the game
-There was one additional track I didn’t show, but it was just an indoor stadium. It probably would have added about 3 hours to the total processing time.
-I had an idea for game developers. Make a knockoff of this game, but in addition to normal racers, have lots of Christmas or winter themed snowmobilers. I would add Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus, an elf, Frosty the Snowman, Jack Frost, a reindeer, a moose, a polar bear, and the old “New Year’s Eve” man. I would make the graphics semi-believable for the full effect as opposed to going a cartoon route. It would also be awesome if Santa could do a biker kick.

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ADHD version: Snowmobiles!


Hey everyone, I have TWO Christmas surprises coming! Here is the first one:

This is an “outtake” from the Christmas episode for Civil Protection. I meant to release this years ago, but hadn’t gotten to around it. While I’ve dealt with countless bugs with the Source engine, this is the only one that was actually entertaining to watch. I was so surprised by it at the time I recorded a quick videoclip of it here. What’s interesting is you can see Mike’s head still tracking the location of the cameraman. You might think this bug is the result of me doing something wrong or experimental, but no. I was giving it basic instructions and the engine just decided to do whatever the hell it wanted. While Civil Protection could return eventually, scenes like this are one of hundreds of reasons I’m abandoning the Source engine for future projects.

Anyway, I’m still working on the second part of the Christmas surprise. It should hopefully be out sometime later today!

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ADHD version: Outtake from Civil Protection! Another surprise coming later today!


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