50 second explanation of the game campaign!
February 7th: Videochat with fans
All above will be live at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast at 6PM UTC.
Here’s a campaign video to stop games from being destroyed! While a chunk of it is focused on “The Crew” shutdown, there are other options also. There are more legal options brought up here on what we can do stop this than I think has ever been discussed before. Also check out stopkillinggames.com for how to take action directly! A much shorter version (50 seconds) will be up tomorrow.
Here’s the March videochat. This started after a chat talking just about the campaign to stop games being destroyed (video just prior to this). It’s just the usual ramblings, nothing important.
I split the latest videochat into two segments. The first is discussing some updates on the campaign to stop games being destroyed. It’s just details of what’s being worked on + some more help needed.
Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans at 6:00pm UTC on March 16th on twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. Unfortunately, almost all my time has been taken working on the campaign to stop games getting destroyed as it’s been quite extensive, but is shaping up slowly. I hope to have a full “launch” on April 2nd. I’ll get back to the regular videos as soon as I can.