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Hopefully in about an hour if nothing goes wrong

New series! Welcome to Moon Gaming, the only gaming show that takes place on the moon (I think)! I’ve been wanting to make this for a while now and while we ran into a lot of technical issues, I’m more or less pleased with how it came out. This series is going to be composed of “Let’s Play” sessions. Normally I’m not very interested in “Let’s Plays” myself, because it tends to be a lot of dead air or talking about nothing particularly interesting. Moon Gaming hopes to solve those problems by editing it down to just the stuff worth talking about. So even though this is technically a Let’s Play, I guarantee every shot in here is one that I thought belonged. If anything, I may have been a little overzealous about this first episode and cut a little too much, but the playthrough ran on a lot longer than we intended. We originally planned for only one episode, but we had so much to talk about it ballooned into three. I think future episodes will go much more smoothly. I’m very optimistic about this series as the turnaround time is definitely faster than Game Dungeon, so it can hopefully buy myself some more time to work on the movie.

In this inaugural episode, I’m joined by Tom White of the show Weird Video Games. I met him from being on TGWTG network and I generally recommend his videos; some of my favorites being Captain Tomaday and Bazooka Bill. Tom will be returning for future episodes and I have another guest lined up also. As for other videos, my next focus is going to be setting up a Patreon campaign, along with an accompanying video. If I’m lucky, I’ll have another Moon Gaming episode for this month, but if not, expect several for October as this show format allows me to squeeze in more videos than I normally would be able to and I’d love to have more Halloween-themed ones. I’ll try my best to have a Game Dungeon for October too. Busy!

The reception to this video has been rockier than I was hoping and it definitely affects future plans. I want to get a better bearing on what people think of this. Please give some feedback below:

[poll id=”11”]

Subtitles: English

Hear the truth about 3D! I’ve had very mixed feelings about 3D stuff for a long time now and haven’t heard any sharing my views, most people seem polarized on it one way or the other; so I wanted to set the record straight as I see it. This may become part of a larger “Ross Rants” series where I pick topics that I really have a lot to say about (and are worth talking about) and go at it. People are welcome to suggest topics they’d like to hear me tear apart as well.

This video is coming about a week later than I intended it to since just about everything that could have gone wrong, did. I had to redo the entire recording session, I learned horrible secrets about my camcorder, and getting games from 15 years ago to run ended up being a lengthy challenge in some cases. If I do continue this series, I doubt I’ll have as many visual aides as are in this video, but I do hope to improve the video quality in the future. As it stands, I look more like a Star Wars hologram than anything.




Subtitles: English

Here’s a new episode that’s been a while in the making! I actually started on this as soon as I finished the last episode, so I’m behind on seeing what all the responses to that one were. I was working pretty hard to get this episode up today for reasons you’ll find out. This is easily my most “dramatic” episode so far, but it’s not a trend I plan on continuing. This episode actually contains more that I edited out of it than any other episode since while writing and recording, I noticed the tone of it kept veering in a direction I didn’t want, but I’m pretty happy with how it finally turned out. In any event, I’m sure this one will spark some interesting discussion!

Expect another experimental video later this month with two more in the works (but no set release dates).


I meant to have this out a few days ago, but it went up the same day as the last video. This is a recent video interview I had with the Youtube channel Valve News Network. The guy running it (Tyler McVicker) isn’t actually a representative of Valve, but he covers a lot of news related to it. He asked me an array of questions that aren’t typically covered in others, including many from fans of his channel. I haven’t had a chance to look at what it was edited down to since I’ve been very busy on the next video, but feel free to check it out:



Here’s the first followup episode to Ross’s Game Dungeon! I knew this would take a lot of work, and it did. This definitely is towards the top in the amount of editing time involved, but I’m relatively happy with how it came out and it hopefully puts a lot of burning questions and comments to rest.

I was originally hoping to get this episode out a week ago, since it kind of leads into a major one coming up soon. You can expect the next Game Dungeon in less than a week assuming nothing catastrophic happens. After that I’ll be trying to get some new experimental videos out for a while and hopefully get into enough of a groove to get more work done on the movie.


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