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Go to hell, everybody! This is a game I almost covered last year, but I think it fits especially well after Construction Bob. Some may be disappointed that this is just a casual game, but not only are the next episodes this month going to be more substantial games, but I think this might have one of my favorite endings for the Game Dungeon so far. I don’t have much more to say other than that I’ll be busy working on the next two episode to get done by Halloween. On that note, I have received a TON of emails and I’ll try my best to respond to everyone, but you may have to wait until November for a lot of them just so I can get the videos done in time. More stuff coming!


More Game Dungeon! I was hoping to have this out earlier in the month, but the whole last 2 months has been defined by me making things I meant to do weeks ago. This episode is pretty typical for Game Dungeon, though I’m going to do my best to get as many out as I can this month. I might be attempting too many, but I hope to get 3 more out this month. One short one, one similar to this, and one longer one. We’ll see what happens! Also thanks again to everyone who has donated, it’s been really fantastic. I’m still trying to respond to everyone, but I’ve been flooded with emails on top of everything else. It may take a little while to get back to you!

New video! This one probably isn’t what a lot of you were hoping for, but I admit this is one aimed at a real minority of the audience. I tried to make it as enjoyable to watch as I could. The short version is this is a fundraiser video and I’ll be happy for any donations I can get. There’s no obligation to donate anything however, you’ll still get all the videos. This is another experiment of mine to stay afloat, like many others. If you are interested in helping out though, the donation page has been updated to make it a little easier to use + now includes stat tracking!

Donation Page

I was originally going to use Patreon for this, but for reasons discussed in the video, I decided against it (them being hacked recently reinforced the decision). For those wondering, I’m unfortunatley going to be pretty empty-handed regarded prizes, although if there’s something you really want that doesn’t take a lot of time, I can consider it. It’s mostly an issue of time more than anything else. If you’ve ever wanted to know what my financial or work situation has been over the years, it’s all in the video.

Something I was considering saying that’s not it the video is if anyone has alternative solutions to my situation also, they’re free to suggest them. I was a little hesitant about saying that on Youtube since a lot of suggestions might not be so practical (”You should live in a dog house, it’s much less expensive, woof!”).

One big news item in the video that’s worth repeating is I plan to be setting up monthly live video chats in the near future, so anyone can communicate with me and I can let everyone know what’s going on. Ideally, I’d like to start this sometime late October, but realistically, it may not happen until early November. I’ll have details posted here once things are worked out.

For the time being, next up, regardless of how the fundraiser goes, is going to be as many Game Dungeons as I can cram in for October. There will be a bit of a delay, but expect several for late October and of course, a Halloween episode. While the overall future of my videos is a little like the Magic 8 ball answer “reply hazy, try again later”, for the time being, there’s a bunch more coming!

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ADHD version: Did you know Ross accepts money? Also he’ll be doing live video chats in the future!

Goodies! In anticipation of the fundraiser campaign I should have coming out soon (expect a video + more info in 1-2 days), as a good faith gesture, I’m releasing all the stuff I’ve been meaning to for months!


While my original plan was to sell this in the Steam store, I’ve decided to release all the files to the Freeman’s Mind Announcer Pack I was working on for DOTA 2 for free. The reason I didn’t follow this thing through was because midway through its production, Valve changed the rules, which made about half my lines unusable. This was a huge morale killer and by that time I was able to resume work on the videos again, so this pack remained in limbo for a while. Truth be told, I’d rather just make more videos than spend another month or two working on this again. Ironically, I’m not even that big a MOBA fan (though I do like RTSs and action RPGs individually), this was more of a fan request thing that never quite made it. Still, I put a whole bunch of effort into this and I’m sure you’ll find some lines entertaining.

DOTA 2 Freeman’s Mind Announcer Pack (51MB)

You’re allowed to use these files for anything you want, under the following conditions:
1. Don’t sell this as a voice pack.
2. If you make something substantial with this, please credit me (Ross Scott) for the lines if possible.

While this pack is free, donations are still welcome!


Besides the DOTA 2 files, all the links to the videos on the site should now be updated, making it easy to find anything you may have missed. In the future I hope to have an overhaul of the site to make everything easier to access, but in the meantime, info on all the videos can be found here in the movies section. Additionally, all Freeman’s Mind episodes are now available to download from the episode pages, and I’ve also updated the archive of all my isolated voice tracks for Freeman’s Mind. You can download the updated pack HERE (680MB).

That’s it for now, the fundraising video is next, followed by as many Game Dungeons as I can get done for October!

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ADHD version: Dota 2 files released! Freeman’s Mind voice files + downloads released! Web links all updated! Ross is having a fundraising campaign soon, donations are appreciated!



New Game Dungeon! I think this might be the shortest one so far, but I promise I didn’t skimp any on the quality. This game certainly had things to talk about. I originally was going to start working on the Patreon campaign next, but after the muddled reaction to Moon Gaming, I felt like I should get another Game Dungeon out first to let people know I wasn’t abandoning other videos. On that note, I think I’m going to discontinue Moon Gaming as the response to it wasn’t what I was hoping. While I think it has potential to be better, I don’t think it would be a LOT better than what was already seen. Since that’s been scrapped, after Patreon is set up, my new plan is to get as many Game Dungeons out for October as I can. I have a couple smaller episodes planned and at least one larger one for Halloween, but I’ll just see what’s doable. More stuff coming!

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