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More Game Dungeon! First off, I want to apologize for the delay on this one. I was hoping to get this one out a week sooner than I did. While that’s normally no big deal, this is one episode where there are potential consequences for viewers having it out later, but not so late it’s a disaster. Without giving away too much, I’ll say this is one episode I hope for some of the most audience participation on.

I may have to revise my plans of having two more videos out this month. I’ll certainly try, but it’s possible I could be late seeing as how long this one took to make. I’m not certain, but this one might be a record for the number of image inserts in a Game Dungeon. Lots of info in this one!

This ended up being a LONG chat, there were more people than last time, and I ended up having a lot of good questions. Unfortunately the video quality suffered somewhat, as using the same bitrate settings as last time caused Twitch to choke. On top of that, the sound became out of sync in the recording again, which I had to fix manually. If anyone has advice regarding the best method to record the stream and avoid sound sync problems, let me know. I was using the recommended twitch settings (CBR, 1000kbps) with the program OBS. Anyway, lots of topics covered, nothing too critical, I tried to keep the most important stuff towards the beginning. The next video will be another Game Dungeon, which I’ll be trying to get out soon.

Lots going on today! Here’s the delayed Game Dungeon episode I meant to have a week ago:

This game has been partially done for some time now, however I knew it would be murder to edit it, and it kind of was. I think this episode came out pretty well though. This is another one of those episodes I think fits in particularly well with Game Dungeon. Right now my plan is to make multiple videos this month, including a Ross Rants and more Game Dungeons. I don’t plan on having a particular schedule to it, just as it gets finished.

I’ll have some more news in a couple days for the videochat, as a reminder, it’s on twitch.tv/rossbroadcast/ on Feb. 7 at 4pm EST, but will appear on Youtube later. You can also check out the Co-optional Podcast appearance if you’re interested. Normally I would have let that be the top entry for a couple days, but I ended up needing to get this one out ASAP. Bop bop bop.

Hey everyone, below is a link to the Co-Optional podcast that I appeared on a couple days ago. We discussed a lot of The Fine Bros, various games, EA, and PAX South from what I remember.

On the podcast, I have two corrections to make:

1. For some reason, I though the podcast came out on on Youtube on Sunday, so I told people the next Game Dungeon would be out by then. Since I realized my error, I’ve been scrambling. I was hoping to have it out now, but it’s still a little bit away. It’s completely done visually, but I have to do volume balancing, which typically takes hours. Expect it up sometime today.

2. At one point I believe I said twitch.tv when I was thinking of blip.tv, but couldn’t remember the name.

Back to work on the episode!

This is just a small update. I was hoping to have the next Game Dungeon out by now, but I can see this one is going to be a longer one since it involves more editing than usual. I’ll get it done as soon as I can, but I think it will still be a few more days. After that, I plan to continue working on more Game Dungeons, some other videos, plus I have ideas how to get more videos out later that I’ll be looking into once I catch up on more email. Besides working on the movie, most of this month has been trying to catch up on everything else and prepare for a lot of videos I hope to have this year. So things may seem slow right now, but I promise a lot more is coming.

In other news, I’ve been invited to appear on the Co-Optional podcast on February 2nd at 3pm EST. It will go up later on TotalBiscuit’s Youtube channel later on, I’ll make another post when it does.

Finally, just as a reminder, the next videochat will be on February 7th, 4pm EST at www.twitch.tv/rossbroadcast/. I’ll have more news then.

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