Here’s a video I meant to have out this time last month! This one got delayed for various reasons. I almost had to scrap all of it due to an error with the camera while recording. For whatever reason, my camera likes to re-enable auto-focus in between shots after setting in manually. There is no way to permanently turn it off. I forgot to triple-check that it was still off, and thus a whole lot of the footage ended up too blurry to use. I ended up being able to salvage enough of it to complete the video. I cleaned it up the best I could, but it does mean the visual quality on this is definitely lower than average. I figured people would rather see a lower-definition video rather than none at all, so here it is.
As for the topic, I don’t plan on restricting Ross Rants to just gaming topics, I’m thinking I may alternate back and forth. This is one that’s been on my mind for a while, it’s certainly a litmus test for how humanity will deal with its approaching problems. In retrospect, it’s not very rant-y, but I think I’ll more than make that up on the next one I have planned. Also I can’t tell you how badly I wanted to use the theme music to Short Circuit in this video (which I consider the best robot-themed music ever made), but I was concerned it would trip up the copyright police and something that would probably cost thousands to license.
Anyway, expect some more videos soon, it will be a few days, but I’m going try and get the next Game Dungeon out ASAP!