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Some more updates! First, here is the other channel I was planning to launch, Accursed Farms Junk:

It’s pretty much what it sounds like. This is the extra content I have lying around that I feel isn’t substantial enough for the main channel, but some people might still be interested in it. Besides the intro, I’ve uploaded some older videos I had lying around where I did some stuff with Tom White from the Youtube channel Weird Videogames. Additionally, the first playsession with fans for Planetside 2 is now up here:

The quality came out a bit low due to issues with OBS again. The sound comes out of sync towards the end also due to OBS also. I didn’t feel like editing and repairing it the way I do with the videochats. Welcome to Accursed Farms Junk. I have an idea for possibly increasing the quality on future recordings, but it will take some experimenting. None of the sound to the game is included (just me talking), but I may be able to add that in the future also.

The session went better than I expected, although I’m still trying to determine the full story of how it played out. Many people were unable to join me on the continent I was on most of the time, though that was to be expected. I hope those who weren’t able to join me were able to still play the game on another continent however. If not, let me know how bad the wait time was. I did end up stopping the game sooner than I planned since we had multiple server crashes, though I was feeling a little worn down from it after about 2 hours, mostly because I’m not used to talking continuously while playing a game. I might be able to build up my stamina in the future however. Anyway, assuming nothing went seriously wrong, we’ll have another session sometime next month, I’m still figuring out the date. I think things will flow a little better next time. I initially set a delay on the twitch stream since I was anticipating the stream being used against me, but it ended up not being too much of an issue and I think it probably hurt things more than it helped. I’ve also been talking with the outfit that helped us (VCO) and have come up with some ideas to make the gameplay more interesting if the normal plan gets a little stale.

In the meantime, I should have another small video introducing the new channels on Youtube soon, otherwise, it’s back to work on getting future videos out, the movie, another Ross Rants and more Game Dungeon.

More dead game news! I wasn’t planning on having another one quite so soon, but a lot came up. Includes info on some mobile games, a MOBA, Hearthstone element, Disney Infinity, and Project Spark.

Also as a reminder, the Planetside 2 play session is tomorrow at 2pm EST (details on it are in the Planetside 2 recruitment video description).

I mentioned in the last videochat an idea I’ve been having in my head a little while now of possibly covering the news on games that are dying or being brought back from the dead due to how prevalent the practice of killing games is. Well I’ve cobbled together and attempt at doing this and have created a new channel devoted to the topic. I plan to announce Dead Game News on the main channel probably some time next week after the Planetside session, but in the meantime you get to see it early by coming to the site here. In addition to creating an intro for the channel (before realizing Youtube disabled that feature), you can see the first episode, also above.

Just as a disclaimer, I intend for this to take up an absolute minimum of my time. As long as you don’t expect much more than random gameplay footage + me talking over it, you shouldn’t be disappointed. I’ve intentionally created a separate channel for this as the production quality will be lower than what you can expect on the regular channel. I don’t expect people to flock to this, my main focus is still going to be my regular videos like Game Dungeon and my ongoing movie project, but I hope this ends up serving as a sort of chronology of just how many games are being killed. Also, to avoid any confusion, this is NOT the “campaign” I was planning to try and get the practice of killing games to end (especially from EA), that’s something separate that is going to take more time to plan out. In the meantime, some of you may find this interesting. If you have news on a game being killed or brought back, go ahead and email me, alternately I may be interested in gameplay footage people may want to contribute if I like it visually. News will be updated approximately whenever I find out more of it and am not super busy with something else. On that note, more work resumes on the other videos!

Here’s the latest videochat! Many topics were covered this time, including more news on the Planetside 2 play session, discussion about the Nostalrius server, some other possible video plans, whether I should use twitter (for announcements only) and of course, many fan questions. This session had more technical problems than normal, at one point I thought I almost lost 90% of the chat, but was only able to recover it due to me changing twitch to auto-save just before the broadcast started.

Join me in Planetside 2! I originally planned to have this video out a couple weeks ago, but as usual for me, better late than never. Besides giving a rundown on what this is all about and relevant information, I also included a tutorial for people who have never played Planetside 2 before. I hope we get a large volume of people and things don’t melt down. In case you miss it, the game will start on May 15th, at 2pm EST on the Emerald Server. It will also be livestreamed at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast.

The next videos will be a little slow to come out (besides the monthly videochat), but I’m working to get all kinds of stuff coming in the future. In the meantime, I’ll see some of you in Planetside!

I made two important mistakes in the video!

1. There is an easier way to get to some battles! You can “serial spawn” where you repeatedly spawn closer and closer to the base you want, waiting 10 seconds in between. I didn’t know that!
2. Apparently each base DOES have a vehicle terminal, but some may need an engineer to repair them.

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