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Subtitles: English

Dead Game News yet again! I have to say, when I started this, I really didn’t think the news would be this frequent. The pace games are being killed off is a little insane. I increased my standards slightly this time and added screenshots of a few of the titles, and also used footage recorded by someone else that was sent to me. I’m still open to your game footage being used for some of the videos, but it has to be relatively high quality and not particularly distracting or full of spoilers. Anyway, I hope to have at least two normal videos this month.

Here’s the latest videochat. Nothing too important, mostly just some news that more videos are coming (I’m currently working on 3), and a reminder about the next Planetside 2 session (June 18th, 2pm EST). I tried to be more discerning about which questions got answered and thus was able to get through things a little faster this time. Not much else to say that’s not in the video, back to work on the other videos!

Hey everyone, as an update, I have a few announcements. First, the next videochat with fans will be on June 5th, at 4pm EST on twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. I’ll put the stream on up on Youtube afterwards. If you have any questions or topics you want covered, either reply to this thread or email [email protected]. Next, I have a date for the next Planetside 2 session. It will be on June 18th, at 2pm EST on the Emerald server. I THINK it will go okay, but if you had difficulty joining last time, I recommend joining a different continent next time and you’ll probably still get a chance to play. I’ll discuss this more when I do the videochat.

In the meantime, I’ve been catching up on a massive amount of emails and slowly getting more prepwork done for future videos and work done on the movie itself. This month I hope to have another Ross Rants and at least one Game Dungeon, hopefully several more videos, but I don’t want to promise anything in terms of dates. I’m looking forward to working on all the stuff I have planned, it’s just a matter of grinding through it.

I’ve been awfully busy lately on prepwork for more videos, but the news on dead games piled up so much I couldn’t put it off much longer. So here it is! I’m kind of cynical on the topic, but the frequency of dead game news is even higher than I was anticipating. I’m hoping it slows down some. I’ll have some updates in a day or two, in the meantime, work is being done on the movie and more videos.

Subtitles: English

If you’ve been following the website lately, this is nothing new you don’t already know about, but here’s the official announcement video for the two side channels I’ve set up recently, Dead Game News, and Accursed Farms Junk. MANY more people watch the Youtube channel than come to the site, so I thought I should have a small announcement on it there also. I don’t have any other small videos like this planned currently, so the next video will probably be either Ross Rants or Game Dungeon (assuming the next videochat doesn’t come first). No time estimate on either I’m afraid, but more is being worked on!

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