New Game Dungeon, a week and a half late again! I’m honestly amazed with how long this one ended up being. I thought it would be about 10 minutes or less, but ended up a lot longer, though I think it was more tightly arranged than some other Game Dungeon episode. I’ll have at least one more video for Halloween, hopefully more than one. I’m also considering doing something on twitch on the 30th if people are interested, though I’m still trying to figure out what (and only if I’ll have free time). There definitely won’t be as many Halloween videos as there were last year because I’ll be busy with all kinds of things, but a lot more videos are coming in the future!
February 7th: Videochat with fans
All above will be live at at 6PM UTC.
Here’s the latest videochat, I had a few more announcements this time:
-More Game Dungeons coming, one in the next few days, at least one more for Halloween, hopefully more than that.
-The game The Crew (an open world driving game) is free to own until October 11th. I encourage anyone interested to grab it and hopefully crack it in the long term, as I think this game is going to be killed within 4 years.
-If you’re a graphic designer interested in submitting layout ideas for the website redesign, go ahead and email me ([email protected]).
-Alternately, if you have a legal background on consumer law for any European countries (or any other country that has relatively strong consumer laws), go ahead and email me also, as I’m trying to determine if the current practice of killing games that people have paid money for technically violates some laws in some countries.
-Assuming I get done with the Game Dungeon episodes early, I’m considering doing something on Twitch for Halloween if anyone has any ideas.
I think my mind may have been a bit scrambled for the rest of the video, but maybe not, I’ll let you be the judge.
Well I was hoping to have a new Game Dungeon out today, but since that’s not going to happen (it’ll be a few more days), here’s a much-delayed Dead Game News episode. This is essentially 3 months’ worth of news, so I ended up trimming it down a bit. In the future, I may try to get some editing assistance to improve the quality a bit without having it eat into my time. Hopefully it will be a while before the next episode for the right reasons. Also as a reminder, the next fan videochat is tomorrow on October 1st, 4pm EST on, you still have a chance to submit questions here, or email me.
Here’s the latest Planetside 2 footage, for those that are interested. We ended up conquering a continent this time, though it probably wasn’t because of us. I’m still brainstorming ways to try and spice up the game in the future. I’d like to try and set up a mobile base, but that may take more coordination than we currently have. AMore real videos coming in the near future, hopefully one this month.
Deus Ex concludes! If I had known how much time these episodes would have ended up taking me, I think I would have poured it into something a little more worthwhile, but as always, my motto is it’s better to regret things you have done than things you haven’t. I originally thought this episode was going to be about the same length as Invisible War, but upon replaying parts of it, so much about it that formed my opinions of the game became really obvious, so I felt compelled to point it out.
Anyway, I originally hoped to have this done about 2.5 weeks ago, so I’ve been working pretty much nonstop trying to catch up. For the near future, I’m going to try my best to respond to people who contacted me, get more work done on the movie, start the next Game Dungeon, the offshoot of it, and hopefully get more progress done on the website. Lots to do!
Because the episode ended up so long, I cut some things out. Some things I didn’t mention:
-All game footage from DX:HR is as-is. I didn’t exaggerate the colors in any way in editing (I did brighten the CGI cutscenes a little bit because they were a tad dark, but that’s it).
-This game offers 3 different forms of antialiasing, all of which do about the same thing, none of which will process the scene completely. I was able to brute force SSAA, which looked pretty good, but caused smearing at the top of the screen.
-If the HUD looks small it’s because I was using downsampling to make the image look a little better. Despite being a modern game, the HUD does NOT scale with resolution! This means as resolutions get higher and higher, the HUD will become almost unreadable.
-I was going to make an analogy of the story being like Lord of The Rings, except with no Sauron, no armies, no magic rings, and instead being about a cultural divide among Middle Earth about whether people should wear rings or not, because when you wear 4 on one hand, you can punch better.
-The entire internet talked about the boss fight inflexibility, so I didn’t feel a need to, plus it was never that big a deal for me since if you had been playing the game like a slasher movie villain, this wasn’t a problem. I think the more interesting point of all this is that game development is on such a level now that they need to outsource to other areas in order to complete such a large project.
-I was going to include more information for people who think peak oil isn’t a problem anymore due to the surge in US reserves. This is a complex topic and take times to explain, but the short version is our proven reserves have been vastly overestimated and there are economic barriers to extracting that could bring the economy down even if there is still plenty of oil in the ground. CHEAP oil is a big part of the equation.