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Here’s the November chat with fans. A few highlights of this one are that I hope to have a Zombie Panic playsession with fans in the future, although the sheer player limit will unfortunately limit how many can join up. I also discuss an update on the situation with EA killing games. Unfortunately it seems letters will have absolutely no impact as there a sophisticated system in place to ensure that executives never see these letters. I’m still working on other approaches to get this practice to end, but it’s going to take some time to implement. Work continues on more videos in the meantime!

Sorry to spam people with updates, but in the last post, I listed the time incorrectly. It will 4PM (as usual) for the videochat today on twitch.tv/rossbroadcast.

I screwed up the times! It will be at 4PM EST, not 10PM. In other words, what I said in the last videochat.

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I should have made a post on this sooner, but the next videochat will be on November 5th, 4pm EST. You can post questions here I can try to answer if you’re interested.

Welcome to another 11th hour Halloween episode! The irony is thick on this one for me, since I intentionally tried to scale down things so I could be done early for once, so naturally a mildew infection hit my apartment which took a big bite out of my time, hence this barely making it in time for Halloween!

This was an interesting game to cover. I never tried the game prior to this month, nor did I know much about it, I just suspected it would be a good pick for the game dungeon, and it certainly qualified. Regardless of what else I say in the video, this game definitely has some heart to it, which can be refreshing to see. This also puts Clive Barker’s Undying in a new light for me, since some of the influences are really apparent from this game. Anyway, have a good just-barely Halloween for those farther west of me!

As a follow-up to the last update, I’m afraid I’m going to have to cancel (or at least postpone) the Zombie Panic session I was hoping to have. The reason is simply that I think I’m going to need all the time I can get in order to finish the next Game Dungeon and I’m concerned that will cut into things too much. This is a disappointment I know, but I would be more disappointed if I didn’t have the next video out in time for Halloween. I’m still interested in having a session of it in the future, so maybe that can happen in November. While it of course fits the Halloween season the best, for me, any day is a good zombie invasion day. Anyway, the next update should be the Halloween episode!

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