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Freeman’s Mind! There ended up being a longer delay on this than I intended, but I don’t think the quality was hurt any. I’m still having some hang ups with the Source engine, as there are multiple behind the scenes fixes going on with this episode. Primarily, demo playback seems to have no consistency at all. Depending on what values I use when playing it back, I can have a combination of stuttering for the following situations:
-Turning the mouse
-NPC movement
-some dynamic objects playing animations
-Cutscene camera movement

So far, I’ve mostly minimized the first three, but can’t seem to have EVERYTHING play back smoothly. Stuff like this is why I abandoned the Source engine for my other projects. If anyone has greater insight as to how demo playback works, you’re welcome to contact me, though if you have suggested values, you may want to test them yourself in HL2 first. Next up for June will be another Game Dungeon and more Freeman’s Mind.


I mean to have a post on this a few weeks ago, then simply forgot. This is an audio interview I did with a podcaster who contacted me a while back. I was impressed he got an interview with Jeff Rubin prior to me. For those unfamiliar with who that is, he used to be a member of the College Humor website and later their Youtube channel. This video is my favorite performance by him.

Anyway, there were some questions about me doing machinima, but there ended up being a lot more questions about my thoughts on the global oil situation in particular. I didn’t pick the questions, but that is a topic I have put a lot of research into in the past. This may not have been my best interview as I was little tired when we had it, but some of you may find it interesting.

More Freeman’s Mind coming before too long! I don’t think any fans will be disappointed with the next episode.

This is just a quick notice that I’m postponing the UT2004 playsession with fans. Both the host and myself ended up being pretty busy and didn’t have time to prepare everything for this. I’m pushing it back a week to 2PM EST on May 27th at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast instead. I’ll have another post in a couple days on info for how to join, since we hope to use custom maps this time. On the plus side, the next Freeman’s Mind still looks on track to be out this month.

Here is the video to follow up the follow-up episode! An almost hour-long interview with Stuart Mackereth, the senior programmer for the game Cyril Cyberpunk. He also going to release his game Discrepant, which you can find out more at www.discrepantgame.com.

I figure this is the sort of video that will be hit or miss with people, it depends on how interested you are in the original game or the process that went into creating it. The first half of the interview is about Cyril Cyberpunk, the second half is about his upcoming game along with some minor movie discussion at the end.

The audio quality is a little rough on Stuart’s end, but I have no regrets, seeing as how if I wasn’t paranoid and recorded him on my end, nothing would have been saved in the first place.

Another video coming this month, hopefully more!

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