Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans at 5:00pm UTC on September 21st at No big news at the moment, normal videos will be resuming before too long.
February 7th: Videochat with fans
All above will be live at at 6PM UTC.
A couple days ago Youtube informed me that the Phantasmagoria 2 episode of Ross’s Game Dungeon was removed due to violating their content policies, but also said I was not receiving a strike since I may not have realized it was. That’s understandable, considering how I uploaded it almost 5 years ago and gated it only for viewers age 18 and up. My theory is that it adhered to Youtube’s content standards for 18+ content in 2019, but the same video does not meet them in 2024.
In any event, I have no idea where to re-upload it for streaming, since I’m not sure any streaming service would allow it. It’s a video that strikes me as definitely R-rated content, but not pornographic, and the internet doesn’t seem to have many options for a video like that.
It’s been suggested I should censor it and re-upload it, but that video was never designed to be censored and even had dialogue to that effect, plus a major point made in that episode is that the game is so full of intense content it’s difficult to know what would have to be censored and what is acceptable.
In the meantime, I’ve uploaded a copy of the original video, so you’re free to download it, share it, and back it up. I’m unsure of how else to handle it at this time, though I’ll definitely recap all of this in a future follow-up Game Dungeon episode.
Phantasmagoria 2 episode download link (link may change in the future)
2.05GB 1920x1080 x264 MKV
Here’s the August videochat. There’s discussion of SKG-related questions for the first portion, then the usual random questions after that. Also that bug re-emerged where the framerate gets dropped recording me, I’m not sure what caused it, I’ll try and fix it for next time.
New Game Dungeon, finally! This is the most-delayed, but also the longest Game Dungeon I’ve made, but the game earned it. The next one will be shorter!
Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans at 5:00pm UTC on August 24th at I’ll have some minor announcements on the campaign at the start. New Game Dungeon in a couple days!