February 7th: Videochat with fans
All above will be live at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast at 6PM UTC.

Well I’ve hit yet another delay because I’m running into some serious bugs with the Source SDK (the software used to make these episodes). I was originally intending to have episode 3 out about now since it’s all but done, but I ran into a MAJOR bug that’s preventing me from doing so. Until I find a fix or workaround, episode 3 is indefinitely on hold. I’ll be finishing up episode 2 in the meantime since the bug won’t affect any content in that episode (I had an entirely DIFFERENT bug for that episode, which I found a workaround for). Anyway, this is a showstopping bug for now, and will impact which scripts I’ll use in the future if it doesn’t get resolved. For people who know something about the Source SDK, check out my post on it here. For everyone else, it’s boring technical crap.