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Well I’ve been getting a few requests for an update, so here’s what’s going on. I didn’t make the contest deadline, I ran into too many delays. I’m still working every day on getting the next episode out, but it’s just much more involving in terms of what I’m doing. Without spoiling anything, here was my original plan for the next two episodes:

-Episode 4: Should completely rock, I won’t be able to top this one for a long time
-Episode 5: Still pretty damn cool (I think)

That’s changed since then, since I’ve mainly been developing episode 5, so that will be the new episode 4. As for the original (confused yet?) episode 4 idea, I still plan to do it, but I’m thinking about postponing it, just because it’s going to take forever and a day to animate. I have no shortage of episode ideas, so I may work on something I can produce a little faster first. On top of this, I’ve been approached by a couple people about different projects that sound promising (I won’t reveal who, they’re all hush-hush), so that may steal more of my time away.

On top of this, I’m going to be moving soon, which means I’ll have to start job-hunting again so I can hopefully find something better than flipping burgers. So, I’m going to be pretty busy, but getting the next episode out is still my top priority outside of reality. I have NOT stopped working on it, and will finish it as soon as I can, even if that may be another couple weeks. If you really want these things to come out faster, try and harass somebody you know who really understands Source (the engine for Half-Life 2) so I can get some help with the animating. Again, thanks for watching!


Here’s the third episode that I originally intended to have done before the 2nd, but here it is anyway. I meant for this one to have slick motion blur, but I would have taken my computer an eternity to do it right, so I just shot it and released it as it is. WARNING: This episode is not suitable for all audiences, it contains singing. It’s over with pretty quickly though, and I promise that this will be the first and last time Mike sings. As for Dave, well, I’ll keep it to a bare minimum in the future. Unfortunately it’s going to be a while before Episode 4 because I have something big planned for that, so imagine I’m dead or something so you won’t expect it too soon. Enjoy!
Well at long last, here is Episode 2 of Civil Protection. This one is the most ambitious video projects I’ve done yet, having more dialogue and action than Episode 1 and weighing in at 11 minutes. Also, this one deals a lot more with the world from Half-Life 2, but I tried to write this episode so that people who know nothing about the game can still follow it without any trouble. Since this one is fairly huge (100MB), I’m offering a low quality version of it as well, although you’re going to miss out on some stuff if you watch that one as you won’t get stereo sound, nor be able to tell what’s happening in the background. The download links are up on the right.

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