Hello... This is Mike Southworth, the web developer responsible for coding the web site (and owner of LD Computech listed in the sidebar). I wanted to thank everyone for the positive comments to Ross’s initial launch post concerning the site, and provide some additional details about the site. It is my intention to provide any site related news updates myself, independent of Ross’s video updates, in order to allow him to focus on creating video episodes rather than answering web site related questions. Please add any of your site related comments to this or any future site update posting.
First, the site has been coded entirely from scratch, utilizing PHP, JavaScript, and AJAX. With the exception of some YouTube and other small snippets, the site contains all original code and no ‘off the shelf’ material. It was created according to the plan that it would be updated regularly to add new features according to a schedule, and any major changes would be separated into specific versions to keep it organized.
I have noted a great number of comments about RSS, even to the extent of users inserting code as user comments related to it. Realize that RSS was not ‘omitted’ from the initial site version because it was ‘rejected’ or we don’t know how to code it. Actually RSS has always been on the feature list, however due to the amount of code required to launch the site was moved to a future version. RSS is comming soon, however it must be pointed out that there are at least as many administration pages as the public pages you can see as regular users, and there are a great deal of additions to be completed to these first. It is much more important to complete every function required for Ross to more easily enter videos, posts, screen shots, and other material than it is to enable RSS, so please be patient. Bearing this in mind, please feel free to provide any feedback or suggestions either by site comment or email to Ross’s address listed in the sidebar.
Sorry everyone that the commenting system was broken all this morning, I guess that doesn’t bode well for Mike’s first post. Andrew Theis, the host of the site, was able to fix it for us, so it should be working again now.
Sorry that we were not able to record comments. Unfortunately we are using a manual version control process and that one file was not uploaded as it’s correct working version. The file is now syncronized and working properly. Please email Ross if you see a problem like this and we will fix it immediately.