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Well surprise, here’s the next episode of Freeman’s Mind. This one isn’t the best since it’s mainly just backtracking through the level, but I thought the ending came out well enough. There should be several more coming out this month. I’ve stopped working 70-80 hour workweeks because that simply wasn’t sustainable and now I’m basically just focusing on FM for the next couple weeks as kind of a break. Unfortunately this means Civil Protection will be getting stalled because the longer hours were the only way it was getting made in light of the other stuff I was doing. I plan to resume work on it during Thanksgiving break. I am by no means dropping it, but I’d say right now it’s looking to be more like a December or January release due to everything else that’s going on.


Download 672x384 WMV (44MB)

Here’s the newest episode. I was pretty liberal about using cheat codes this time, though my justification is for the places I use them, I’m simply doing what I personally would do if I was in the same situation Freeman happens to be in (though I doubt I would end up in the same situations myself). I think this one may be one of the better FM episodes in terms of writing, though the voice acting probably isn’t as good as it could be in areas since practically everything I’ve been producing lately has been a bit of a rush job.

I still need to upload episode 2 of FM here since the downloadable copy has been deleted by Machinima.com for a little while now. I’ve misplaced the disc where I’ve burned a copy of it, but I’ll find it and try to take care of the link tonight.

As for the downloadable copies, I’m undecided what resolution is best. I’m trying to strike a balance between higher resolution and keeping the filesize low. The series has actually undergone a shrink, though you won’t notice it on your end. I recorded old episodes at 800x600, but usually had to encode to 832x624 to avoid encoding errors. For widescreen I’ve been recording at 848x480 and am currently releasing at 672x384 since that’s pretty close to the original aspect ratio and will have a comparable download size to the 640x480 clips. If you have any preference about the resolution, leave it below, just be aware that a larger resolution increases the filesize and time to download. I’m not going any higher than my current resolution for Freeman’s Mind, the detail just isn’t there for Half-Life 1 to justify it, plus these are just gameplay videos. I’ll continue to do Civil Protection at 1280x720. Also I’m still releasing using WMV format only because it keeps hundreds of people from emailing me asking how to play the video. Next to MPG, I think it’s probably the most compatible format there is. It’s by no means the best though, I might look into releasing higher quality copies in the future. It’s not as simple as picking a format, I have to have an understanding of the encoding settings to keep a reasonable balance between size and visual quality.

I’m also far behind on responding to email, but that’s something else I hope to get caught up with soon. In the meantime, I’ll be spending all my time on The Tunnel, though I may let up a bit because the hours I’ve been putting in lately just aren’t sustainable for me.


Machinima.com streaming

Download 1280x720 WMV (13MB)

Okay, here is the GOOD version of the trailer available to watch or for download. I’m kind of boycotting the old Youtube version simply because it’s unfinished. The visuals are the same on both versions, though they made me add a pumpkin graphic to some contest they’re conducting, I removed that for the downloadable copy.

The real difference between these trailers is in the audio, which can be crucial to setting mood. Thanks goes to Otto Beumelburg (I frequently misspell his name) for the great sound effects and most of the audio mixing and Craig Kesicke for composing great custom music for the trailer; both of whom had extremely short notice on this. You’ll be hearing more of Craig Kesicke’s music in the future as there are situations that I require custom music for, plus there’s some drama going on surrounding my use of game soundtracks, but I’ll save that for a separate post.

Now about the trailer itself! This is NOT the best trailer I could have made, however it’s one of the safest. While it’s impossible to make a trailer that’s spoiler-free, I took pains to make sure this one didn’t reveal too much about the episode. There are major scenes of the episode that aren’t shown at all here and there should be plenty of surprises throughout the entire episode once it gets completed. Not only that, but I wasn’t really ready to begin filming, so I just dropped the work I was doing and made a lot of snippet shots. There’s a high probability almost none of the exact same shots you see here will be in the actual episode. On top of that, I changed a line or two of the dialogue so it would flow better and the joke at the end was made up for the trailer as well, it’s not even part of the episode (because most jokes are less funny once you’ve already heard them). While the plot and theme will remain the same, several lines are delivered in completely different areas or context. My goal here was to give you a reason to watch the actual episode if you’ve already seen the trailer (and vice-versa once it comes out). So if you want NO spoilers, don’t watch the trailer, but if you do, rest assured it doesn’t spoil much.

When the episode does get completed, it will be both comedy and suspense and will likely be the longest episode of CP made so far, probably at least 15 minutes. While there will be humor throughout the episode, the jokes won’t be as constant as some others because there will be more emphasis on developing the story. And while the episode will start out in the same location as “Shadow of a A Doubt” it is not meant as a sequel to it. I honestly don’t know when it will be done since I’ve been so busy with other work, but I can guarantee it won’t be rushed out the door.

Things are a mess at the moment, but I should probably give a news update. I was recently asked by Machinima.com to make a trailer for “The Tunnel” since it’s not going to come out before Halloween because of everything else I’ve been doing. I surely agreed, as this is going to be a long episode and I thought I could make a trailer without spoiling much. I ended up having very little notice on this however and ran into some bugs, so I did everything humanely possible to get this out in time (I worked about 32 hours between Monday and Tuesday night). Unfortunately this wasn’t fast enough and Machinima wanted it released TODAY, so this comes at a sizeable expense to the quality. I’ve never rushed anything out the door this fast and I can say right now this is not going to happen again. I compromised because I can live with a trailer being subpar, but I would never allow this for a full episode.

Anyway, it is available on Youtube now, but I don’t want to link to it, since the audiowork should be finished for it before too long and the final one should create a better impact. The version that’s out there now has no sound effects and consists only of Half-Life music that I arranged in about 10 minutes. The “good” one will have sound effects and hopefully some custom music composed for it. It will be available on Machinima.com and here when it is. I’ll make a new post when that’s done. I don’t want to discuss anything about the trailer until the good one is out, so I’m not answering any questions related to it or the episode right now, I’ll give the details on everything once it’s out (hopefully quite soon). I just wanted to give an update for people wondering what was happening. Watch it now if you really want to, though I recommend waiting a day or two for the better version.


672x384 WMV (71MB)

Here’s the new Freeman’s Mind episode. This is the first one in widescreen format at it was requested by Machinima.com that I film it this way. I originally gave it a 4x3 aspect ratio to accommodate Youtube and since that changed on me, it’s not a big deal to switch over to a widescreen ratio. Ironically since all my Civil Protection videos are in widescreen, my early episodes were hard-encoded to be letterboxed in a 4x3 ratio for Youtube by Machinima.com. It feels like I can’t win sometimes.

Speaking of which, I’m afraid this episode comes at a cost. Between making three Freeman’s Mind episodes this month and other side projects I’ve had to work on, I really don’t think the next Civil Protection episode is going to come out before Halloween. If it was up to me, I would have put FM on hold and made sure the next episode of CP came out in time, but Machinima.com has its own priorities. This does disappoint me, but for what it’s worth, this won’t be strictly a Halloween episode, just a scary one. So while the timing would have been better for this month, it should still be enjoyable for November. Also to be clear, this rate of Freeman’s Mind is perfectly sustainable, it’s this and other things on top of Civil Protection which is causing the overload.

This delay is not due to lack of effort on my part. I’ve been working about 75 hours a week the past couple weeks where I was trying to get this done on time, but I can only create the episode so fast. I haven’t been doing much besides working, exercising, and sleeping. To put it in perspective, I’ve been told that Machinima.com has only done one show in-house that uses scripted animation like CP and for that they were funded, hired lots of outside help, had a team of 6 internal animators working overtime and even then just barely got it completed in time. I don’t have a paid team helping me, just volunteers the same as previous episodes (though I’m not discounting their efforts), so I still have to fill in every missing role that I can. Factor in that this will likely be the longest episode of CP so far and it’s becoming a pretty big strain on me. I’m going a little batty with these hours actually, but I’ll be happy once the episode is done.

Also I fixed most of the broken download links Machinima.com keeps deleting randomly, I’ll get more done when I get a chance.

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