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Arr, I been hearin’ me some chatter regardin’ me speech on the last tale. It seems to me ye gobs been out at sea so long ye forgotten what the King’s English be soundin’ like. Arr, I suppose it best I be goin’ back to talkin’ in yer accent what ye can understand me proper. So here goes:

The subtitles for Episode 27 are now up on Youtube, which should shed some light on it for all you 21st century people. Also a handful of episodes are getting new subtitles posted, which will be up sometime in the near future; they’re being posted by Machinima.com on Youtube and a web admin for the site.

Viewers seem pretty polarized on the last episode. If you liked it, great. If you hated it, great. It was easily my favorite episode of Freeman’s Mind, though my accent could have been better, by far the most difficult part of it was trying to keep it consistent. I did break my own rule of reading some of the Youtube comments for that episode (which is something I’m never going to do again), and the wisdom of the masses there seemed to think I was going to release a “normal” episode 27. No, I’m not. The only reason I did a redo of episode 10.5 last year was because this is a continuous series and the main character DIED. I’m sure this has ruined the series for some of you, as we all know there are no other points in the game where Freeman fights soldiers again, but oh well.

I’ll be working on Civil Protection and taxes. I really cannot promise anything as far as CP, but it’s my goal to get the next episode out sometime this month.


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Arr mateys, here be a new tale for ye to gander at. This ought to quell yer squawkin’ fer a spell, though I knows thar be no pleasin’ some o’ thee. But consider this, I sez: If I were to tell the tale any faster, then I’d be done before me voyage was over and me crew would mutiny on me. Where would I be then, I asks?

Nay, I’d flog some sense into ye swabs if ye were aboard my ship, but thar be so many of thee me lashing arm would get tired long a’fore I were done. Arrr. Me own crew is a sight less ornery than yer lot. They serves me loyal even when our ship keep springin’ leaks as it oft do. Arr, we’ll steer her in to port soon enough and have wonders to show all.

May ye have fair winds and calm seas, unless ye be lookin’ to cross me crew, then may ye dies a most painful death what with yer innards spilled open and yer head on a pike.


-Cap’n Ross Scott


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Here’s the new episode of Freeman’s Mind. This one isn’t the most interesting since it’s mainly just backtracking through the level, however I promise the one after this will be more exciting. I did record new intro footage, however it’s not quite as elaborate as I wanted. I wanted to add scientists doing things, but it turns out recompiling the exact same maps from Half-Life Source causes mysterious lighting glitches, so I doubt I’ll be editing the maps to HL Source anytime soon. I’ll still try and swap out new introductions every so often.

After I finish the next episode, my plans are to work exclusively on the next Civil Protection and not do anything else until it’s done (unless I run into a new show-stopping bug). That episode has been delayed for about 2.5 years now, so I’m going a little batty having it still uncompleted.

If you’ve written to me and still haven’t gotten a response, I have about 150 emails I still need to respond to, so be patient. However, I’ve stopped replying to emails that have atrocious grammar, are asking me questions answered in the FAQ, or are asking questions that can be answered with five minutes spent looking up the answer on a search engine. If your email doesn’t fall into those categories, you’ll probably get a response eventually. I appreciate people’s interest, but I’m focusing more on getting more videos out right now.

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