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Here’s the next episode, and as promised, it contains more wandering around while lost, this time with more water.

I’m sure this will upset a lot of people, but this is going to be the last FM episode on a weekly rate. Believe it or not, it takes me most of my available time in the week making an episode (I’ll make a chart illustrating why later) and it’s been sucking up my time to the point where I’ve fallen behind on many other things I want to be working on. If I could do improv comedy well, the process would be at least 10x faster, but the neurons in my brain don’t quite fire fast enough for that. I don’t know when the next episode of FM will be completed since I want to catch up on subtitles, website improvements, responding to emails, bug hunting on the Source engine, getting more video formats available, and at least getting STARTED on the next CP episode. I won’t neglect FM for months at a time like I have in the past though, you can still expect more FM episodes, just not as fast as I’ve been doing them lately.


For fans of Freeman’s Mind Episode 2, it looks like the cold-blooded side of the debate is losing ground.



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Well I hope everybody likes watching someone wandering around lost and talking to themselves, because that’s what you’re getting with this episode. And the next. And the next. This is one of the less action-oriented areas of the game. I’ve noticed before that sometimes people get upset when I don’t take the most direct route in the game. In this case, I try to exhaust all options that a real person would try before going with what the game wants me to do. I am a little concerned that maybe these latest episodes are weaker because of the pace I’m putting them out, I’ll see.

I’m afraid there’s still not much progress at all in other areas due to the weekly pace of Freeman’s Mind. Once I let up on the pace, my focus will be on isolating bugs in the Source engine for Civil Protection, improving the website and links, and catching up on emails (I currently have about 380 to reply to dating back to the end of March).



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Well here continues the currently weekly march of Freeman’s Mind. This pacing should be treated like an isotope, it’s hard to say how long it will remain stable. I think this one may be a little bit below average. I tried going a slightly different direction with it to avoid making things feel too mundane, but I’m not sure it really had the effect I wanted. Bonus points if you can find the pun used in this episode, I’m guessing a lot of people will miss it.

Since the last few uploads to Machinima.com have had the color and brightness distorted when they go on Youtube, this time I intentionally screwed up the picture in the OPPOSITE way to try and counteract what I’m guessing they were doing and it looks like it mostly worked. They’re still uploading 640x360 content as 1280x720 however, so next episode I may just upscale the original 848x480 footage to 1280x720 so while it won’t be HD quality, it will at least be sharper.

I’ve seen many posts before asking me to use mods to improve the graphics for Half-Life Source, with this episode being a good spot in the series to change things. I’ve experimented with every mod I could find for it and they ALL had problems. Some shaders would be overblown and/or not transfer to Source recorder, some models would be missing textures or not behave when recorded in a demo, some textures would make some areas look much better, but stick out horrendously in others, and most of them change some of the original weapons. For all these reasons I’m not planning on using visual enhancement mods for the game. I doubt people were really watching a game this old for the eye candy anyway.

Since I’ve increased the pacing of FM, I’m currently falling behind on Civil Protection, emails, subtitles, website improvements, and several other things. So if it looks like everything else is being neglected, it is, but not intentionally. I’ll get caught up again at some point.



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Here’s the “mystery episode” that was alluded to in the progress bar. I’m sure some of you predicted this, hopefully no one’s expectations were ruined too badly. I thought about doing a training course episode before, but parts of it conflict with how I’ve been playing through the game, trying to make it seem more realistic. This episode is a compromise between not doing it and going through the whole thing. I’ve been informed after the fact that the creator of “Barney’s Mind” did the exact same thing of showing the training course after being unconscious, but it was just a coincidence on my part. When I originally created Freeman’s Mind I received a few emails from people who told me they were thinking of doing or had done the exact same thing, so I guess coincidences are inevitable.

I’m going to try and keep up Freeman’s Mind on a weekly rate for a while, but I eventually may slow it down some as I don’t want to neglect Civil Protection either. In either event, I don’t think I’ll have situations again soon where I go months at a time without a release. At least not until FM is done anyway.


It looks like the video was darkened again for Youtube and uploaded at 1280x720 again, despite the source being requested at 640x360. Ah well, the downloadable copy will look correct once I encode it.

Hey everyone, here’s a link to a group Q&A session I did a week or two ago with people creating “mind” series for other games with mostly silent protagonists, of which there are many. I was invited to it directly after the caboos15 interview and since “The Tunnel” has been completed for a while now, I don’t mind doing PR stuff again. It’s a long discussion session and I don’t remember everything that was said while recording or before/after, but you’re welcome to check it out:


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