Freeman’s Mind continues, this time with no singing. This is a slower episode, since the game directly dictates the pace of them, but I think it came out pretty well. For the purists complaining that one of the game sequences never triggered, you can blame Half-Life: Source, I didn’t do anything to disable it. Please continue to spread the word that Freeman’s Mind is not dead, it was just being held hostage in a basement at gunpoint, but managed to escape and is now at a new location.
I plan to continue the informal schedule of having a new FM episode about every two weeks. In the extra time between releases, I’m still working on multiple side projects, a few of which will come to fruition within a few weeks from now. In any event, you can expect a lot more stuff to come out this summer.
Hey people, I have some new updates and a minor promotion to make. As I’ve mentioned before on the blog, I am still for hire if people want to pay me for voice acting, writing, or something else related. Well one group actually approached me about “hiring” me to play a game with them for a commentary series they’re doing.
I have to admit, the concept of charging people for me to play a game with them never even occurred to me and it would seem pretentious if I had come up with the idea myself. I would feel guilty about this if I haven’t been so busy with various projects that I’ve had very little time for gaming myself. Also, I decided I am ABSOLUTELY fine with establishing a precedent that I will play games for money if somebody wants to pay for it. I just don’t want people to think that I feel entitled to some sort of payment for playing a game. On the contrary, I enjoy interacting with fans (even if I’m months behind on my email replies) and will always do so for free, even though there can be delays. The way I see it, what I’m being paid for is for time I would normally spend working on something else and I’m unfortunately very busy these days.
Anyway, part of the deal was some extra publicity for their new series, so here it is:
It’s just myself running around with the creator “Loremaster Nojah” and his friend “Sarahon” trying to get through the old mod “They Hunger” running Sven Co-op. It goes on for a few hours, split into different episodes. If you need to kill time, these guys have you covered.
This video may also gives you an idea of why Freeman’s Mind is not done live. This whole video is extremely casual with a minimum (if any) amount of editing. When doing things impromptu, my ratio of saying something entertaining is more like once every 3 minutes rather than once every 10 seconds the way it is with FM. Also my microphone quality is pretty poor in this video as I normally use a handheld mic to record videos, but I just used a webcam mic I had for this so I could play hands-free. On that note, if anyone has recommendations for a gaming headset with good mic quality for hands-free recording (especially with low mic puff) in the future, please feel free to email me at [email protected].
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In other news, I’ve made a lot of updates to the website to the different sections, with updated information the FAQ, donations, subtitles, etc. I’ve also added an entire “Ross For Hire” section where you can now see some of the jobs I’ve taken so far freelancing. Not all of the mods / videos are out yet however, but feel free to browse.
Finally, I’m aiming to have the next Freeman’s Mind out sometime Tuesday. While I am making no promises, it’s my aim to have a new FM out approximately every weeks after that (with more stuff coming out in between later on).
ADHD version: Ross plays games with some dudes! Website has more words on it! Next FM episode will probably be Tuesday!
Hey everyone, while I’m guessing most of the people who watch these videos aren’t lawyers, I wanted to at least see if there were any out there who would be interested in giving me a hand. I’ve been trying to contact for about a week and a half regarding some important matters and have not only been unable to get a reply from their legal department (which this concerns), but I can’t even get a DATE when I can expect to hear from them. The last time I showed patience with it didn’t work out very well, so now I’m trying to expedite the process.
I’m not even sure what I can reveal about this situation publicly, but I’m looking for some legal advice regarding my video rights and engaging in what I would call “less than legal” activity that’s affected me personally. I am not looking to go to court over anything, in fact I wish to avoid that if possible, however it’s looking like I might need some sort of legal notice sent to them otherwise it could be months (again) before anything gets done.
Unfortunately I do not have a lot of money, so I would either need some pro bono help or at some sort of discount. Someone who has experience in contract law would probably be best. Anyway, if you think you might be able to help, please contact me at [email protected].
Welcome to the longest delayed episode of Freeman’s Mind ever made! This video was actually completed last year, but is only just now finally free to go up. If you’re wondering why this took so long or if the series had died, you can read more about it here. Future Freeman’s Mind episodes will no longer be appearing on They will go up on my own long-neglected Youtube channel, my new channel, and also on At some point in the future I may delay the newest episodes going up on Youtube, but nothing’s decided yet, I’ll have to see how this all plays out. In the meantime, please feel free to spread the word of where the new videos will be since I imagine a lot of people will still be looking on
If some of you are watching this series for the first time, be sure to check out the episode page on the site here to see all the previous videos. It’s still a work in progress and will look better in the future, but all the links SHOULD be functional by the end of the day.
As for the episode itself, I’ll warn everyone right now that this one contains some singing. It’s not that I especially like singing actually, it’s more that the song sung in this video is considered notoriously hard to do so I thought it would be a good challenge for Freeman, plus it semi-fits the circumstances in the video. In any event, I have NO plans for future videos with singing in them, so you can rest easy.
Even though most of the situation was out of my control, you have my apologies for such a long delay on this episode, I plan for something like this to never happen again. Also while I won’t promise release dates in general, it’s my goal for the foreseeable future to have at least two FM episodes coming out a month from now on. I’m also gearing up to be producing even more videos and other content in addition to that. I’ll have all updates here on the site.
Note: Apparently some people received an email update about an old episode, I’m not sure what’s happening with that, hopefully we’ll get it fixed.
I was hoping to have the next video up by now, but since that’s taking a little longer than I planned, here’s some more news of what’s going on instead. One of the reasons I was hesitant about leaving before was because I wasn’t sure where else to go, since the larger problem behind all the changes was Youtube itself. Thanks directly to people in the forums recommending other sites for me to check out, I’ve decided to join the “That Guy With The Glasses” network. is the spawn of Doug Walker (pictured above), more famously known as “The Nostalgia Critic” where he is known for analyzing bad movies and ripping them apart piece by piece. I had seen some of his videos before, but never realized he had his own network. It turns out my videos qualify for this group, because Freeman also wears glasses, so we’re all good. So far my contact with TGWTG has been quite positive. They’re run by a small group of people (I’m told 7) that all have all known each other a long time. There’s no sinister contract for me to sign, and they’re not even taking a cut of my income (I’m assuming they make up the difference on their site). Most of all, they don’t give me a heavy feeling in my stomach the way reading the new contract from did, which counts for a lot. I don’t need ulcers.
The next episode of Freeman’s Mind will be appearing on their network, which is essentially wherever I want to post the videos. It will be be appearing first on, a competing network to Youtube (and about 1/1000th the size). This allows me to form an escape plan from some of the madness going on with Youtube. New episodes will also be appearing on my Youtube channel (I’ll make a new post here as soon it’s up), but in the long term, I may try and focus newer videos towards Right now the next episode has been uploaded to and I am currently waiting to hear back when it will go up. I’ll make an update here as soon as I know. More videos are coming!
ADHD version: Freeman’s Mind is still coming, but will appear in new places! Check back here later for links to the next episode!
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