Well this should have happened a long time ago, but the story of my life seems to be “better late than never.” Here is the re-released version of Stranger In Need, the first and probably last video I’ll do in Source Filmmaker. The original version of this video was just barely done in time for a deadline and I had to cut a few corners on it that I wanted to spend a little bit longer fixing. This version has the main fixes I wanted to have the first time around. It mainly consists of slightly improved animations, adding a few effects I meant to have the first time, a more polished sound mix, etc. This the closest thing I get to a “patch” for my videos. I promise I didn’t go George Lucas on this though, all the changes are very subtle, you may not even notice the difference.
1920x1080 H.264 MKV H.264 MKV Download (110MB)
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I was hoping to have more news for August, but it’s looking like that’s not going to happen. That just means there’s more news and videos coming for September though!