Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans at 6:00pm UTC on December 2nd on twitch. Still juggling multiple videos, a couple in particular I think are going to be pretty good even if they’re taking a while to get done.
February 7th: Videochat with fans
All above will be live at at 6PM UTC.
Here’s the November videochat. Contains the usual rambling where I feel a little crazy after doing these, but it was pretty par for the course.
Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans at 6:00pm UTC on October 11th at I’m currently working on what I was trying to finish in September; another Game Dungeon and side video. More coming!
Happy Halloween! This ended up being much more 11th hour than I planned, but here is Turkish Resident Evil!
October videochat, there actually weren’t as many questions this time, so maybe something went wrong. I rambled as usual, though probably made more sense towards the beginning. Halloween video coming!