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Freeman’s Mind! This is showing up about a month later than I intended, but I promise to keep at it either way. Since this is the first episode with any combat, there were actually a number of issues I ran into with the Source engine that eventually got ironed out. I may have a new obstacle in the next episode, it’s too early for me to tell yet. In any event, if anyone has experience with minor modding with the Source engine, you’re welcome to email me just in case future unexpected surprises pop up.

The bad news is due mostly to Armed & Delirious, but partially to Source, I think it’s no longer realistic for my plan to have two Freeman’s Mind this month (and have time to sleep, exercise, etc.). Work has started on Episode 4, but I’m afraid I’m back to a “when it’s done” timetable with the intention of getting at least one a month out. I’m still hoping to have the next one out early August however, but my time estimates are frequent evidence I wouldn’t have a very good career as a fortune teller.

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I like how you are criticizing the game though Freeman's dialog.

"I don't trust a man that doesn't have something strange going on about him, cause that means he's hiding it from you. If a man's wearing his pants on his head or if he says his words backwards from time to time, you know it's all laid out there for you. But if he's friendly to strangers and keeps his home spick-and-span, more often than not he's done something even his own ma couldn't forgive." -No-bark Noonan

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Would you be opposed to recording in Garry's Mod? I have quite a bit of experience with its Lua interface, so it may be possible to fix all the issues you're having using that.


If you're interested, let me know. Give me a list of issues you have currently, and a simple step-by-step of how you record the episodes, and I'll see if I can get it all working well and reliaibly in gmod. If not I won't waste any more of your time with it.


I'm guessing your steps are:

1. Record demo


3. Play the demo and initiate video recording

but if I know exactly what you use it'd be easier to replicate and ensure that everything works as needed.

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This was absolutely hilarious. I don't understand how you manage to keep such a fresh eye on the game after so much time. Freeman's comments expose the unnaturalness of Half-Life 2 so mercilessly that I wonder how could I let it pass back when I played it for the first time. I guess I was just too young back in 2004.


I think the updated graphics only make things worse. In Half-Life 1, the low-polygon surroundings left some space for imagination, which was filling in the blanks. In Half-Life 2, the surroundings are much more detailed, and as a result the world just looks utterly artificial.

Come the full moon, the bat flies whose boiling blood shall stem the tide.

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Excellent episode as always Ross!


I just wish there were more, and longer. (not asking you to try, just wistful contemplation of an alternate universe where it was possible for you to make hour long episodes with little or no effort)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Freeman's complete inability to be surprised or impressed by the miles-high futuristic structure looming in the distance really fucked with that part of me that gets mad at oblivious Let's Players. This is going to be an interesting ride. And I never realized how crazy-fast Freeman's situation with the cops escalates because, you know, video game, of course you expect to be constantly shooting at stuff. But even the marines in Half-Life were paced out more gradually. Although Freeman himself also wasn't in quite so much of a hurry then either.

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Seems like a lot of the time you promise more videos than one a month, they get delayed. My advice was to do either FM or RGD for a particular month, announcing it after the last one comes out. That was I can I imagine it might be better for both you and us.

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Another fantastic episode Ross. As others have said, the subtle jabs at HL2's game design are hilarious, and the "DID THEY JUST POUR BURNING OIL ON ME?" bit had me rolling on my lunch break. Looking forward to the next episode as well as new Game Dungeons! As far as the scheduling goes, the high quality of your videos is always worth the wait :D

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Okay, I'll admit, this episode has me a bit worried for Freeman's Mind 2, and I'll tell you why - Half-Life 2 has a LOT of fighting in it. Way more than Half-Life 1.


HL1 Freeman's Mind was a lot of wandering, slow-paced walking, and lots of whacky scripted sequences we could appreciate. When Freeman was in combat, Ross's ability to really comment on things was limited because... well what are you going to talk about?


HL2 has tons of combat and it's way faster-paced and more frenetic. I'm worried that all that combat will limit our ability to get the Freeman-esque critique on what is going on and the situation at hand.


Ross, if I could suggest something, it would be a mod to slow down Freeman's foot speed. His default 'walking' speed feels like running in HL1, and his sprinting speed is like Usain Bolt. The scenery is flying past us at breakneck speed.


I already feel like the pace is too fast. When Freeman walks out of the train station, he didn't take in the sights, he just talked to one woman and then walked on his way. No comments on the citadel. Almost no comments on Breen's silly speeches on the monitors.


I mean, I was expecting him to fuck with the TVs in the apartment (every time I play HL2 I throw the TVs out of the windows), but he just sprinted past them.

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Okay, I'll admit, this episode has me a bit worried for Freeman's Mind 2, and I'll tell you why - Half-Life 2 has a LOT of fighting in it. Way more than Half-Life 1.
HL2 has tons of combat and it's way faster-paced and more frenetic. I'm worried that all that combat will limit our ability to get the Freeman-esque critique on what is going on and the situation at hand.


Ross, if I could suggest something, it would be a mod to slow down Freeman's foot speed. His default 'walking' speed feels like running in HL1, and his sprinting speed is like Usain Bolt. The scenery is flying past us at breakneck speed.

And it's not just the pace that concerns me, it's that there's really only so much you can comment on when it comes to commentating fights before things start getting super repetitive. :\ I'm worried that episodes are gonna be 20% actual acknowledgement of the scenery, and 80% just; "OW, THAT SHIT HURTS!" XD I mean, that's still pretty amusing to hear but I enjoy hearing what Gordon thinks of his environment and just general atmosphere of things more than I enjoy hearing him complaining about his injuries. lol


But excellent episode as always, Ross! :) Keep it up.

I am immortal until proven otherwise.

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Half-Life 2 has a LOT of fighting in it. Way more than Half-Life 1.
I beg to differ. HL2 has as much "wandering, slow-paced walking" with no enemies to fight as the original game.
When Freeman walks out of the train station' date=' he didn't take in the sights, he just talked to one woman and then walked on his way. No comments on the citadel. Almost no comments on Breen's silly speeches on the monitors.[/quote']Well, imagine that you are making that episode, and you just can't think of anything witty to say on Breen's speech right now. What do you do? Postpone the episode?

Seriously, I think FM fan crowd is in no position to complain, and should be thankful to even get their desired FM2.

Besides, Freeman's behavior so far was completely in character and something what you'd expect him to do in corresponding situations.

And it's not just the pace that concerns me, it's that there's really only so much you can comment on when it comes to commentating fights before things start getting super repetitive. :\
I seriously doubt anything (including fighting) can be worse than a concrete corridor after a concrete corridor after a concrete corridor. This episode is a perfect demonstration that frenetic pace and combat don't hinder Ross from inserting quick-witted comments on the "environment and just general atmosphere of things".

Come the full moon, the bat flies whose boiling blood shall stem the tide.

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Not trying to act entitled, but I'd have liked a status update on the play session. Helps me to plan my Saturdays.

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I'm not too worried about the commenting on the fighting. FM1 had long drawn out fighting in which Freeman had just outright accepted the reality of his situation and continued his thoughts while absentmindedly killing hordes of people. I think if anything, the current tone is due to the fact that Freeman has just, once again, been thrown into a shit situation in which everyone is trying to kill him again for seemingly no reason.


I'm actually looking forward to the later parts of the game and seeing how Freeman reacts to his paranoia's largely being confirmed.


I do gotta say, nothing makes me realize the unnaturalness of gameplay elements in accordance to a real world setting quite like this series does. "Yeah... why IS there so much ammo in an urban setting?"

Retired Forum Moderator

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I'm enjoying the new series immensely and have NO complaints. Things could always be different or better no matter what you're doing but I think this is turning out great. The pace is a little fast but would you stop to take in the scenery or throw TV's out the window when you're being chased by a relentless police force?


Thank you Ross! I appreciate your work on this!

"I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."


"Does my beard intimidate you?"

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Hey Ross, very random comment, but I saw somewhere that someone didn't like the new intro (with it starting on one head and jumping to another), and I just wanted to say that I thought it was actually very clever and I really hope it sticks throughout the series.


Also, this episode was phenomenal. The dialogue was flawless. Each episode has been a hit so far and I doubt it'll slow down. I look forward to more FM and Game Dungeon! :D

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someone was complaining about the intro? !? *rolls eyes* Some people want to complain about anything they can.

"I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."


"Does my beard intimidate you?"

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