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Dead Game News: UK Petition Non-answer

The UK Government has responded and it’s not clear they even read the petition + they copied / pasted an answer already rejected by the Petitions Committee. Sign the petition here if you’re a UK citizen or resident to bypass the obstruction and take it straight to Parliament:


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Interesting that they're implying that digital products have and need no protection against planned obsolescence, considering that just four years ago, both the UK and the EU adopted "right to repair" legislation, which amongst other things, if I understand correctly, obliges manufacturers to make available spare parts for physical consumer products, and to make the products in such a way as to be repairable with non-exotic tools available to the end consumer.  You could easily make the case that the current stance on digital products, and current industry practice by producers of digital products (i.e. closed source with integral kill-switches linked to a central server), are, in both spirit and fairly obvious direct analogy, the complete antithesis of this legislation.

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Reminds me of a Brit com I watched when I was a kid--Yes Minister.  The newly elected minister had plans for changes on behalf of helping his constituency,  but the civil servant who had been in office through dozens of minister-ships,  was really the person in control,  and used obfuscation,  double-speak and out right lying to keep the status quo,  while seemingly supporting all sides of everything.  

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