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We’ve received an official response from UK government on the issue of videogame destruction by publishers. This goes over all of it, some of it is quite helpful! This also includes some updates on Australia, Canada and Brazil

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Posted (edited)

I'm afraid this is an absolutely typical UK government response.  Regarding the two possibilities you consider at 06:58, the most likely situation is actually both: they don't comprehend the issue and are being deliberately obtuse. They always do this kind of "response" to petitions these days, it's basically just a combination of stonewalling and arse-covering with the minimum effort possible.  Nevertheless, if it gets enough signatures they are required to debate the matter in parliament, but that's not necessarily saying much, because it just means they have to have a conversation about it, there is no obligation to actually have any kind of vote or pass legislation after the debate is over, so it's really just fodder for MPs in the cabinet and the opposition to use to score points against each other when verbally sparring in the House of Commons (I'm not even sure if MPs who aren't directly involved in the matter at hand are required to turn up for non-voting debates at all, so be prepared for disappointment if it actually goes to debate but then you watch the video of it and find the House is largely empty!).  The only way it actually goes any further than a mere Commons debate is if enough of them actually care enough, after debating the matter, to draft and propose a bill and vote to pass it, whereupon it'll then go to the House of Lords (who are a relic of feudalism and don't answer to the voter the way MPs do, but do sometimes turn out to be much more on the side of the common citizenry than the actual house of Commons is!), who may then also squash the bill or pass it. 


One way to possibly drum up more support and higher attendance is for British citizens, in addition to signing the petition, to write directly to their local elected MP regarding the matter, expressing their concerns and arguing the serious implications of this really very fundamental issue of property rights (this whole thing could set a legal precedent in the world of digital products that goes beyond just games!), and basically trying to encourage, implore and persuade them to attend the debate and press the matter in parliament.

Edited by Tom (see edit history)

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Posted (edited)

I just noticed that "Write to your MP" isn't listed as an option at https://www.stopkillinggames.com/countries/united_kingdom - you might want to consider adding that, with suitable guidance from those more knowledgeable than I about how best to approach one's MP and get them on-side.  Best double-check that this belt-and-braces approach isn't frowned upon procedurally, though; I'm not sure if online government petitions are supposed to be in lieu of asking one's MP to submit a petition to parliament (in which case MPs might consider it hassling them to receive individual letters as well as there being an online petition?) or whether pushing MP's to support an issue in parallel with the online petition is allowed or even expected.

Edited by Tom (see edit history)

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"I'm afraid this is an absolutely typical UK government response."

 - I'd say it's a much better response than most petitions get.


Also, in regards to Trading Standards, it's true that they're online form is only at the weekends, but that's because (presumably) they don't work weekends. The telephone lines to get a direct response are open weekdays only.


I can't answer Ross' questions, but the BlackBeltBarrister may be someone he should contact - it's only England and Wales (so no Scotland/Northern Ireland - and no idea about the Channel Islands):


The AboutMe page on the YT channel says that "for formal advice, please contact [email protected]."

Also the references to 'government', doesn't mean it'll be the same government by Autumn.

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What is the best place in the forums to talk about the stopkillinggames campaign?

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