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Here is some news going over responses from the EU Commission on the issue of destroying games from members of European Parliament. There are also some updates on the campaign towards the end.

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Damn, that's some avoidant language for a Parliamentary answer. You'd think showing the 93/13/EEC directive as being breached would be enough. I'll definitely check back for any resubmission of the Australian petition.

Really interesting seeing how The Crew being culled has put the subject on everyone's radar now.


Good comparison to the expiration of MMORPG subscriptions. No developer seems to consider they're doing the same thing, but worse, leaving it undefined.


Also here's a random thing you might like:




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So are the real Otto or the black lodge Otto

"Fleet Intelligence Coming Online"

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Hey, this changes nothing, but just for kicks, it looks like people allegedly have a server emulator going for The Crew, they uploaded a video last week:


Yes, I know that the campaign will continue either way and the problem needs to be cut off at its source. But it's nice that this one will probably be rescued from destruction.



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