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Early access hit a little while ago, definitely has the potential to be a really great Quake throwback. For those who don't know, this is a game running on the Quake 1 engine, made by the former Quake modders responsible for the awesome Arcane Dimensions. The best way I can describe this game, from the levels I've played thus far, is it's a game made by people who both love Quake 1, but also want to improve the formula. Combat is a lot less stiff, enemies aren't quite as bullet spongy as they were in Quake, and the combat feels a lot more gory and visceral. Also, these levels are fantastic, with a lot of detail placed in the old engine. There is so much artistic craft placed in the levels that this game, along with the mod Arcane Dimensions, serve as good examples of how a 20 year old engine can still look gorgeous.


Definitely worth a look if you're into the old school FPS genre.

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Nabbed it. I'm not 'good' with these types of games, always dying and getting the grip of it through trial and error, but it was fast, fluid, immersive. Def recommend if you're in for those old style shooters.

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I'm not sure if i like these games because they were pretty much all there was, when i started serious gaming, or if i am a genuine fan of the "old school shooter" genre,........but this rocks! Played it in late early accsess (first hub world) and can't wait for the full release. Feels and plays like in the "good old days" but with super smoothe modern day polish. No Problems at all! If you feel anything of what i've said ...don't miss this!
If "ION FURY" is the modern lovechild of "Duke 3d", this game is it for "QUAKE" (1 !!!)

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Great retro shooter, the only downside is the checkpoint-based save system. The developers implemented it somwhere in early access to "add challenge" but it's not the right game for that. There are mods to use a normal quicksave system, though.

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Speaking as someone who never played Quake before this game, I liked the pacing and all the hidden nooks reachable with careful platforming, but I wish more levels looped in on themselves to form a cohesive, almost believable whole

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I'm playing the complete version now, and my love for the game has redoubled: that charged attack with the blade can get you in some truly goofy places if you're creative and stubborn with it; it's supposed to only give you a horizontal boost, but if you jump against a wall, blade-dash while looking 45° up and crouch in midair, you can get over some walls that are supposed to be too tall for you.

You can even sequence break some levels with it's creative application. And the best part? The devs took it into account, because I've found hidden tresures like this.

I'm almost done with act 1 and so far the Black Priory - the arguably last level of that hub - is the best in that regard: it has the most intricate, looping structure of all that came before, while also looking like an actual place unlike the previous levels, and it's sprawling verticality means that you can skip huge combat section with canny jumping.

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There was something about this game that just didn't grab me the way Hrot, Dusk, or Cultic practically grabbed me by the balls and pulled me to the finish line. I start it up, paly for a couple hours, and then lose interest.

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