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Interesting, but short and filled with authors forth-wall breaking (and utterly uninteresting) dev-blogs. Walking simulator, very minimal gameplay.

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From the trailer and original description pitch, I pictured this as a "Dead Space-esque - spaceship repair, but without the monsters"-game (a concept which I absolutely yearn for), but it doesn't quite reach that. Sure, you reactivate some systems, but it mostly just happens through clicking the same button on the same type of computer interface every now and then. It relies much more heavily on the whole walk around and read up on what happened to the crew/ship shtick with very simple puzzles inbetween (similar to The Station), which is fair enough.


However, (unlike The Station), the game suffers from excruciatingly long loading screens between miniscule map sections, which I presume is a product of the attempt at producing extremely good looking graphics (lens-flares and completely reflective surfaces everywhere), though in my opinion that wasn't worth sacrificing more reasonable load times. This comes in addition to a high-school writing class level drama, with voice acting that was absolutely grating to me. I had to put the game down at the start of chapter 3 over how annoying and arrogant your pilot sidekick sounds, and didn't return to finish it until today to write this comment.


But, on a redeeming note, at the start of chapter 3, there's an arcade machine with a little arena shooter mini-game that I sunk nearly an hour into.


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This game felt broken to me when I tried to move around it's little intro area. Didn't stay in my library very long.

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