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The level up system isn't balanced (magic was completely useless) but it's pretty fun.

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It is a great throwback to doom and wolfenstein without trying to repeat them. The having to choose a weapon upgrade depends on your play style, and many of the weapons can easily kill you as fast as the enemies. The enemy cast is refreshing and pays homage to classic horrors but with a fun spin on it all. No buyers remorse here.

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Hey Ross, are you a minotaur? Do you enjoy traipsing about maze-like levels and going in circles for countless minutes because you didn't know what that switch did or where that last colored door is? Then holy fuck this throwback is for you!


...it is fun if you can get past that though.

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Crappy "old-school" game made by a kid who was born long after those old-school shooters faded. So he tried his best to imitate the style of Wolfenstein 3D and DOOM, but failed, and failed hard.
First of all - the game is dark. Second - AI is unbalanced. Third - levels are boring mazes, like the worst levels of Wolf3D.
Art style is fine, but the game is just depressing to think about, since some ideas are sound, but execution is amateurish to say the least.

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The gun play is great, although bosses feel "unjustly" hard and the "magic" is completely useless.


The artstyle is good and the music too, a solid 7/10 arbitrary points

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Found it pretty janky, very first thing I did in the game was hit a wall with the axe and I was greeted with the damage decals z-fighting.  Also, a Wolf3D engine game should not have framerate issues.  The repetitive tiles made it a pain in the ass to navigate the levels.  I didn't really like wolf3D in the first place, and this game has the same problems.

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Partly GREAT music! Had a lot of fun with it!!!

I think, it aimes at even earlier times than "DOOM". I was surprised, how good it feels to play, coming directly from "DOOM ETERNAL".

I don't miss jumping! 

For me, that "kid" did a great job!




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On 7/30/2019 at 8:01 AM, bhlaab said:

The level up system isn't balanced (magic was completely useless) but it's pretty fun.

...could be a point. I ignored magic completely, just pushed guns. Like that it worked great for me. 

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Awesome game but that Egypt level just obliterated me everytime. I always just ran out of ammo on that level. 

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