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Ah, Lakeview Valley. It is a spiritual successor to the Lakeview Cabin Games, a series of browser games where youre trying to not get murdered (or murdering yourself). The game is fun,there are multiple endings, the replay value is high for this sort of a game. You should be able to finish it in a day,but all the routes,secrets etc.will take you some more time. Sadly,the title feels like its still in development, theyre still adding stuff to do and routes(character arcs) you can go with. They call it DLC, i call it shipping an unfinished product and then selling the rest as well. 6/10

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On 4/25/2020 at 5:51 AM, Miro said:

It is a spiritual successor to the Lakeview Cabin Games

Didn't Ross play one of these on one of his halloween videos?

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3 minutes ago, kerdios said:

I think he played this one, which is why it is here

Nah. Lakeview Valley was released last year.
Last year's halloween episode was Phantasmagoria 2 and the Vampire one.

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It's a cross between a meta-narrative adventure game, and a isometric action game. If bizarre puzzles, homicide, circus performers, and eternal demons sound like enough to carry you through poor gameplay, it's alright.

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