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Planetside 2 Event - VCO: Official Ross Scott Liasion Outfit

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Hey Ross Scott Fans, CaptainInArms* of [VCO] Voodoo Company here!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?start=732&v=P64cxFWRlDA We want to help introduce you to the game this Sunday in the easiest, friendliest way possible, but first, there are some steps you have to take so you can get straight into the action and participate in the big event before it's over.




First, you'll need to get out of the Koltyr training area and onto the main fighting continents. To leave, you must press your "U" key and redeploy to the "Koltyr Warpgate". From the Koltyr Warpgate, you must go to the terminal with the planet on it and select one of the other continents. Once you've selected another continent (Indar/Esamir/Hossin/Amerish), you will be on that continent's Warpgate.


At this point you must press your "P" key to bring up the "Social" screen. From there you can join the Outfit by pressing "Outfit" on the left and join Voodoo Company. Additionally, you can press "P" and click Squad and look for "## ROSS SCOT FANS JOIN HERE". From there we will be using a lot of in-game VoIP to get everyone situated. "Z" is default squad chat.


There are only a couple hundred spots available - about 44 per continent - so be ready to join and ready to fight!




Joining VCO is great beyond just the event because you'll have a dedicated Outfit helping and guiding you through the crazy world of Planetside without having to go it alone! Even if you don't get into the game/continent that specific timeslot Ross is on, you can still duke it out during later hours that day or throughout the week.


Press your "P" key to bring up the "Social" screen. From there, join the Outfit by pressing "Outfit" on the left and submit an application to Voodoo Company. We'll make sure you get in!




Official VCO Website




VCO will do its best to accomodate as many new players as possible, but we only have so many leads on deck and have no clue how many new players will actually show up. Pay attention to the chat box on the top left of the screen. Specifically, anything prefaced by [ORDERS]. These will guide you to where VCO/Ross is throughout the event.


DISCLAIMER: These actions are not necessary to participate in the event. All you have to do is log into the game, make a character, and get on the continent. However, Planetside 2 has a steep learning curve, and VCO will be present to help guide the new players.


*I forgot to put the "s" in my name when I made this account last night. I blame the VS!

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Wasn't the meetup kinda screwed over by one of the recent patches? I don't really understand the patch notes but Ross made the patch out to be like it effectively killed any chance of a meetup in PlanetSide 2.


Continent Faction Population Queue

Any player trying to zone into a continent where their faction has 10% more population than the lowest populated faction will be placed into a queue.

· At least one continent must have over 150 players on it for the queue to be active

· The target continent must have at least 50 players on for the queue to be active

· If the player’s faction is severely overpopulated on all unlocked continents, they will be able to play on the continent where their faction has the least population advantage

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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I have contacted the developers requesting they unlock all the continents and set the game so it's pre-patch population balance. Earlier in a PM message, they expressed willingness to do so.


So until they tell us no - or if Ross tells us otherwise - VCO is going full steam ahead!

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I didn't even realize there were no membership limits for Outfits... That was kinda why I made the Accursed Farms outfit, so that we wouldn't be cluttering other outfits.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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No clutter at all!


Again, even if the squads fill up to capacity for this specific event, players are always free to join [VCO] so long as:


1) They're willing to listen.


2) Not an asshole.

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All right! I was about to ask in the PS2 recruitment thread what's up with the official Outfit and all, great that you've come around and introduced yourself, CaptainInArms!


I'll be joining VCO today (as soon as I finish writing this post, in fact!), name's DmitryStrelokov. Currently BR10 and for now I'm more or less playing engineering class as it is kinda in line with what I usually play in MP games (support types). Unlocked anti-vehicle turret so I am now both suppressing fire & AV-capable. :)


Two questions though - how much of voice communication is expected from new/low-ranked outfit members? I'm asking because I'm playing from Europe and when the event happens the time over here will be 21:00. My voice comm will be limited as the time progresses as I do not wish to disturb people in the middle of the night. I have no problem listening and following orders, mind you, just any sort of feedback from me will be more or less limited to old fashioned typing.

Second question - do you have or are planning any separate squads (sections?) within the outfit for European players? You know, people like me who have limited time to play during the event or maybe people who lag due to distance (though I never experienced any sort of trouble in PS2 even when connection on rare occasions registered as "poor" - good net code, I guess?)


Anyways, cheers, and see you in the game!

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Thanks Sinistar!


As long as you're listening, we don't even require a microphone for you to join (but encourage it for obvious reasons). I see a lot of familiar names that have always been silent but always reliable. Also, they use the [squad] and [Platoon] text chat a lot.


Our regular "Formal Ops" (not as scary as it sounds, just a set time for something more organized beyond the random casual popup squads) are Sun, Tues, Fri 20:00EST. We are canceling this Sunday's Ops because of the event earlier in the day, but there might be some random squads that pop up. Additionally, we run Air Divison on Wednesdays 20:00EST and Armor Division directly after that at 21:00EST. I don't know if any of these work for you, but that's about as far as our scheduled times go.

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so its still happening then? went out of the loop for a bit. Also, is it happening still on original time or some change in that?

Jack O'Neill: "You know Teal'c, if we dont find a way out of this soon, im gonna lose it. Lose it... it means go crazy. nuts. insane. bonzo. no longer in possession of ones faculties. 3 fries short of a happy meal. WACKO!!!!!!!!"

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@CaptainInArm I keep getting killed over and over again in PlanetSide 2. What can I do / not do to prolong my characters life? Also what is the best way to get in as many kills before you yourself are killed?

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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What can I do / not do to prolong my characters life?

Use cover, move with a group. Don't try to take on a MAX alone. Stay out of range of enemy fortress defenses or manned vehicles.


Also what is the best way to get in as many kills before you yourself are killed?

Practice. Accuracy is a big thing, as is reaction time. Learn the layout of the map, and the areas you'll be doing combat in, and you'll be able to be a LOT more effective. (this one only takes time, can't get it any other way) Driving or manning secondary/tertiary weapons on vehicles is also a good way to get more kills. Use explosives against groups of enemies, or around corners you know the enemies are behind.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Also what is the best way to get in as many kills


I may be quite new to PS2, but if I may share my experience: shotguns. I've had some success with other weapons, notably heavy's SAW, but once I switched to engineer's shotgun... I


I am pretty sure by this point I've raked in more kills with it in shorter amount of time than all past weapons combined (bar MANA anti-infantry turret). I could be due to fact that I've switched to shotguns after already playing for some time so I wasn't completely clueless like the first day, and/or maybe I just found myself in such situations that benefited shotguns the most OR maybe something else, but as a new player to new player - I'd say at least try them. If nothing else, shotguns in this game just feel so... satisfying to shoot.

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"Salty veterans of old have turned tail... probably to play Overwatch or something."


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IDK if I'll continue to play outside of whenever Ross plays as I've found that PlanetSide 2 gets really repetitive after a certain point. Go walk a few paces, get immediately sniped in the face, wait for for the auto spawn queue to pop, click on the auto spawn button rinse and repeat. I wish auto spawn was a toggle instead of a button as this would help cut down on the repetition. Most of my play time was 75% dying and 25% actually playing the game. I thought I would be at least slightly decent at ranged combat as I've played lots of shooters. But PlanetSide 2 begs to differ so ranged combat's right out. All I'm reasonably good at doing is driving sunderers around, doing melee stealth kills as the Inflitrator and rezing people as a medic. None of which I found to be very fun. Overall I'm not having a very good time.

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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Were you in a VCO squad/platoon? The game is widely considered more fun when with a group, as opposed to lone wolf-ing.

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The game is widely considered more fun when with a group, as opposed to lone wolf-ing.



Also, apart from a very select few FPS games, you've been training without bullet drop, and without shielded and armored enemies.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Were you in a VCO squad/platoon? The game is widely considered more fun when with a group, as opposed to lone wolf-ing.

Nope, I've been doing instant action. Is being in a squad/platoon any different?

Also, apart from a very select few FPS games, you've been training without bullet drop, and without shielded and armored enemies.

The shields/armor don't really matter from what I can tell. I've tried playing as heavy assault with the shield ability enabled and I lasted about 2.5 seconds longer than I normally would've otherwise. But I haven't been able to adjust to the bullet drop at all. By the time you figure out how high you have to aim in order to hit your target they're already gone most likely. Bullet drop has rendered my ability to shoot completely useless.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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Were you in a VCO squad/platoon? The game is widely considered more fun when with a group, as opposed to lone wolf-ing.

Nope, I've been doing instant action. Is being in a squad/platoon any different?

You'd have a group of people going to the same places, additional spawn locations, squad voice communication, better organization...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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You'd have a group of people going to the same places, additional spawn locations, squad voice communication, better organization...


What he said.






Either way, both are a testament to the need for players to join squads/platoons/Outfits. PS2 offers something no other game can, and for that it has my time.

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You'd have a group of people going to the same places, additional spawn locations, squad voice communication, better organization...

I don't quite understand. That doesn't sound too different from instant action. What do you mean by additional spawn locations? There's always a several sunderers around and you can always get more. I don't have a mic but I suppose I could listen to people giving me orders and say "I understand" in text chat.






Either way, both are a testament to the need for players to join squads/platoons/Outfits. PS2 offers something no other game can, and for that it has my time.

I assume this is due to my inexperience with PS2 but I really don't see how the footage you've shown me is different to the gameplay I've already experienced up until this point. I've followed a bunch of sunderers, tanks after capturing a point and moved on to the next point before. Usually what I would do is when I logon I would click the instant action button. After taking over/defending the point I spawned too I would try to see if there were any other vehicles I could follow. If there weren't I would just spawn a sunderer and go to a point I would want try to capture.

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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