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Freeman's Mind Torrent

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Well I was playing around in utorrent and found that you can host your own tracker with it, so...would anybody want the incomplete high quality wmv files of freeman's mind?


Welp here you all are


And before you start going on about how torrents are illegal, they are not, just a majority of the content shared with torrents is.


*I reuploaded it with episode 31*




Remember to set yourself a upload speed limit!


otherwise when you seed you could run into some laggyness when playing games or watching youtube videos at hq

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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I agree, i am downloading it now. Only problem is that there is only 1seed xD


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And this one too... It's my episode 1-28 mashup. (reduced rez for MP3/MP4 players)


Already DLing the other, and I'll be seeding it for as long as I can.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I've been unable to get my µTorrent to make a working tracker, seems I'm either on my own ban list, or Comcast hates me.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Isn't this kind of, bad? because this website is the original download site?

On the contrary. If anything, it works as a mirror for the episodes and relieves the bandwidth load on the website.


Also this is a quicker way to get all the videos since downloading each one on each page in the video section took like 10 minutes.

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Seeding as much as i can, but to make this actually useful we need lots more people seeding it.


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Nicely done tisnman, have some rep.


I'll grab these and seed them. I'm a little curious though, is it possible to modify an existing torrent to add a new episode in, or will we all have to download the new torrent file? Not that it's too hard to do that, but it might bother people who are currently downloading it when suddenly it switches to a new torrent due to a new episode release...


I apologise if I've got anything wrong there, I'm not too knowledgable on torrents and such.


Have you considered making one for Civil Protection as well? Or are you waiting for the Tunnel to be released first?

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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I'll grab these and seed them. I'm a little curious though, is it possible to modify an existing torrent to add a new episode in, or will we all have to download the new torrent file? Not that it's too hard to do that, but it might bother people who are currently downloading it when suddenly it switches to a new torrent due to a new episode release...


I apologise if I've got anything wrong there, I'm not too knowledgable on torrents and such.


What I understand about torrents from my minimal research is that you cannot modify a torrent after creation because this will either:

a)modify it's hash and therefore create an entirely new torrent

b)corrupt the torrent so it no longer works

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I'll grab these and seed them. I'm a little curious though, is it possible to modify an existing torrent to add a new episode in, or will we all have to download the new torrent file? Not that it's too hard to do that, but it might bother people who are currently downloading it when suddenly it switches to a new torrent due to a new episode release...


I apologise if I've got anything wrong there, I'm not too knowledgable on torrents and such.


What I understand about torrents from my minimal research is that you cannot modify a torrent after creation because this will either:

a)modify it's hash and therefore create an entirely new torrent


Ah yes, makes sense.

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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Torrents also have the major advantage that you do not lose progress, the downloaded segments will stay in the incomplete files if something bad happens. And if a new torrent is uploaded with additional files, as long as you make it download to the same folder as the old one did it will recognize the files already there and only download the new additions. I will be downloading this myself over the next few weeks and seed.


My only gripe is that I have to live with the file naming scheme of the torrent author, if I rename then things go screwy.

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Torrents also have the major advantage that you do not lose progress, the downloaded segments will stay in the incomplete files if something bad happens. And if a new torrent is uploaded with additional files, as long as you make it download to the same folder as the old one did it will recognize the files already there and only download the new additions. I will be downloading this myself over the next few weeks and seed.


My only gripe is that I have to live with the file naming scheme of the torrent author, if I rename then things go screwy.

You'll survive, I'm sure.

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

Check out my music at http://technomancer.bandcamp.com

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I am seeding this now for those who want it.

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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