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Asking for help in identifying a FM quote

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Hello! Long time freeman's mind fan here, I come to you today with a bit of an odd ask:


In a recent stream of mine, I have produced a high pitched "Haha!" followed by the word "awesome". Watching the clip back, I think that might actually be a freeman's mind quote, and I'd love to identify what episode it's from.


I think it might be an early one where freeman breaks one of those grates in an airlock with a crowbar, and he goes on to comment on how the thing keeps solving his problems? But I can't pinpoint where that happens at the top of my head, if any of you happen to know that'd be a huge help. I will of course watch the series back and look for it myself as well.


I will post the clip here, I promise this is not a sneaky attempt at self promotion, I'm just a sucker for reverse engineering where I would've picked up an expression from. If this is deemed inappropriate for this forum, then I apologize and accept the consequences. Here it is: https://www.twitch.tv/halogenlampert/clip/BeautifulTemperedGoldfishLeeroyJenkins-5J7-taziwcd254Z5


Thanks to anyone trying to help!

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Perhaps in Episode 20, at 3:00 where he jumps into the water? Or Episode 27 at about 3:10 when he first fires the SMG grenade?

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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