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Updates on Stop Killing Games campaign December 2024

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I can tell you're an aspiring fantasy author yourself.


Either way, literally nobody asked. You just hop between different racist or misogynist conspiracy theories targeting whatever minority group pisses you off during a given hour of the day with no direction. You're not actually going to do anything here except keep making the case that absolutely no normal person should want you in any kind of movement or community.

Edited by Deep Dive Devin (see edit history)



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I had been thinking that unless you are the most active and ardent cross dressing pedophilic cannibal alive, some expansion of the woke coalition to invent some new fake category of oppression will eventually come along that will leave you on the outside. But in recent weeks, some have suggested that the woke coalition may suffer a complete collapse. Maybe its expansion has been halted, at least for a time, which would be good news for sanity. But if not, the purity spiraling will continue and they will come for you eventually.

Edited by BenMcLean (see edit history)

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