A great example of someone who was perfectly orthodox except on one issue was J. K. Rowling. Just a few years ago, the braindead wokist zombie hoard absolutely lauded her for making Dumbledore gay in order to groom children and doing every other perverted ritual of dedication to the cult she possibly could. She was regarded as absolutely one of them until she started to disagree on just one issue: transgenderism. She said that the fight for women's rights she had always believed in needed to stay being about actual women. Despite her being completely orthodox on every single other dogma of the woke church, she immediately became regarded as a blasphemer who must be utterly cast out.
Now honestly, I think she absolutely deserved all of it because when you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas. But the trans issue won't be the last issue people don't completely go along with. There will be more and one day, it will be some other new issue you can't stomach just like her. The revolution will not stop at whatever completely arbitrary set of fetishes you personally feel comfortable with. You think you're Stalin but you might actually be Trotsky and find yourself on the outside at any moment.