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Those are all entirely legitimate opinions I absolutely, publicly stand by. I absolutely do think abortion, prostitution, feminism and DEI are bad.


These opinions you've gone and looked up would obviously be off topic for the Stop Killing Games campaign.


But is it required to be pro-abortion, pro-prostitution, pro-feminism and pro-DEI to want governments to require corporations stop killing games?


How specific & narrow is the range of acceptable thought going to get? Do people have to agree with your take on every political issue or only some?


What about GamerGate people, for example, who tend to be a lot more liberal on social issues than I am? They have a pretty large following who really, really care about video games. They aren't likely to agree with you on much else besides stop killing games. But they don't want corporations killing games. If they're excluded, Stop Killing Games will have dug itself into a tiny, rigidly orthodox corner of the political spectrum. Heresy hunting isn't the way to build a coalition.



Those are all entirely legitimate opinions I absolutely, publicly stand by. I absolutely do think abortion, prostitution, feminism and DEI are bad.


These opinions you've gone and looked up would obviously be off topic for the Stop Killing Games campaign.


But is it required to be pro-abortion, pro-prostitution, pro-feminism and pro-DEI to want governments to require corporations stop killing games?


How specific & narrow is the range of acceptable thought going to get? Do people have to agree with your take on every political issue or only some?


What about GamerGate people, for example, who tend to be a lot more liberal on social issues than I am? They have a pretty large following who really, really care about video games. They aren't likely to agree with you on much else besides stop killing games. But they don't want corporations killing games. If you exclude them, you're digging yourself into a tiny, rigidly orthodox corner of the political spectrum.



Those are all entirely legitimate opinions I absolutely, publicly stand by. I absolutely do think abortion, prostitution, feminism and DEI are bad.


These opinions you've gone and looked up would obviously be off topic for the Stop Killing Games campaign.


But is it required to be pro-abortion, pro-prostitution, pro-feminism and pro-DEI to want governments to require corporations stop killing games?


How specific & narrow is the range of acceptable thought going to get? Do people have to agree with your take on every political issue or only some?


What about GamerGate people, for example, who tend to be a lot more liberal on social issues than I am? They have a pretty large following who really, really care about video games. They don't want corporations killing games.



Those are all entirely legitimate opinions I absolutely, publicly stand by. I absolutely do think abortion, prostitution, feminism and DEI are bad.


These opinions you've gone and looked up would obviously be off topic for the Stop Killing Games campaign.


But is it required to be pro-abortion, pro-prostitution, pro-feminism and pro-DEI to want governments to require corporations stop killing games?


How specific & narrow is the platform of acceptable thought going to get?


What about GamerGate people, for example, who tend to be a lot more liberal on social issues than I am? They have a pretty large following who really, really care about video games. They don't want corporations killing games.



Those are all entirely legitimate opinions I absolutely, publicly stand by. I absolutely do think abortion, prostitution, feminism and DEI are bad.


These opinions you've gone and looked up would obviously be off topic for the Stop Killing Games campaign.


But is it required to be pro-abortion, pro-prostitution, pro-feminism and pro-DEI to want governments to require corporations stop killing games?


How specific & narrow is the platform of acceptable thought going to get?



Those are all entirely legitimate opinions I absolutely, publicly stand by. I absolutely do think abortion, prostitution, feminism and DEI are bad.


These opinions you've gone and looked up would obviously be off topic for the Stop Killing Games campaign.


But is it required to be pro-abortion, pro-prostitution, pro-feminism and pro-DEI to want governments to require corporations stop killing games?


How specific is the platform going to get?



Those are all entirely legitimate opinions I absolutely, publicly stand by.


They'd obviously be off topic for the Stop Killing Games campaign.


But is it required to be pro-abortion, pro-prostitution, pro-feminism and pro-DEI to want governments to require corporations stop killing games?


How specific is the platform going to get?

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