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Lorn's Lure is a game about navigating and climbing across a massive dilapidated technological megastructure. The graphics fidelity is low and for me, very immersive. It nails the atmosphere of some sci-fi titles, especially the comic BLAME.


If this looks good to you, there's a demo so you can try out the gameplay. In terms of difficulty, it doesn't hold back.


Not exactly sure if this fits into this forums section but I wanted to mention it as I think Ross and others who share his taste will enjoy exploring this world the dev created.




Oh and if you do like this particular gameplay and have finished the demo but don't want to buy the full game, the dev also made other games which are the same style but in different settings. First two are free!

https://rubeki.itch.io/kill-the-koth  https://rubeki.itch.io/due  https://rubeki.itch.io/hatch



Lorn's Lure is a game about navigating and climbing across a massive dilapidated technological megastructure. The graphics fidelity is low and for me, very immersive. It nails the atmosphere of some sci-fi titles, especially the comic BLAME.


If this looks good to you, there's a demo so you can try out the gameplay. In terms of difficulty, it doesn't hold back.


Not exactly sure if this fits into this forums section but I wanted to mention it as I think Ross and others who share his taste will enjoy exploring this world the dev created.


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