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Phantasmagoria 2 episode taken down, video available

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A couple days ago Youtube informed me that the Phantasmagoria 2 episode of Ross's Game Dungeon was removed due to violating their content policies, but also said I was not receiving a strike since I may not have realized it was.  That's understandable, considering how I uploaded it almost 5 years ago and gated it only for viewers age 18 and up.  My theory is that it adhered to Youtube's content standards for 18+ content in 2019, but the same video does not meet them in 2024.

In any event, I have no idea where to re-upload it for streaming, since I'm not sure any streaming service would allow it.  It's a video that strikes me as definitely R-rated content, but not pornographic, and the internet doesn't seem to have many options for a video like that.

It's been suggested I should censor it and re-upload it, but that video was never designed to be censored and even had dialogue to that effect, plus a major point made in that episode is that the game is so full of intense content it's difficult to know what would have to be censored and what is acceptable.

In the meantime, I've uploaded a copy of the original video, so you're free to download it, share it, and back it up.  I'm unsure of how else to handle it at this time, though I'll definitely recap all of this in a future follow-up Game Dungeon episode.

Phantasmagoria 2 episode download link (link may change in the future)

2.05GB 1920x1080 x264 MKV



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Hey just chiming in for the sake of people making archives of any videos that have been taken down. I encoded a x265 version from the version Ross posted. Hate to see this video taken down it is one of my favorites. Main advantage of x265 is the file size is much smaller (959M vs 2.1G). Feel free to put this on the post body, I'd rather more versions be available than less

I have also uploaded both versions onto archive.org just in case

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Damn that sucks. I enjoy occasionally watching random old game dungeons, shame that this won't be on the playlist anymore. At least the video isn't lost.

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And that's why you always download everything you're remotely interested in to your local hard drive. I don't even watch Youtube anymore, I just treat it as a cumbersome videofile sharing service with built-in player.

Come the full moon, the bat flies whose boiling blood shall stem the tide.

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I think you could probably upload such a video on bitchute or odysee without having troubles for the content, however I can only speculate as to how long those platforms will survive.

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Wrote a review on https://archive.org/details/rgd_phantasmagoria2



title: Prime example on the pitfalls of ad based information economy.

This review is a lot of fun, but corporations hate fun.  Having too much fun might bring bad publicity, so they avoid fun like it was the plague.

This new version of the review is even more fun than the original version because it has a funny introduction about Youtube censorship.



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I love how even though the media out there is more messed up and insane than it’s ever been, YouTube wags their finger at swear words and an FMV game with some boobies. What a bizarre world. 

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