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Congrats on the job! I hope you really do enjoy it because, like you said, California and particularly L.A. is an expensive place to live.

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Congrats, looking forward to all your Machinima.com projets!

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That's fantastic! Congratulations!

I did not knew that Machinima.com was that serious. Always thought it was more of a community thing.


About meeting people in LA. I'm not the right person. I live in Portugal. But the point where I'm heading, is the metal-head ''requirement''. I loved the Slayer mention, on Civil Protection, but did not think that you liked metal. That's really cool! I saw Slayer last year, right before my favorite concert of all time... Iron Maiden!



PS: I don't know if I wrote something wrong, if so, sorry.

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Congrats Ross!


I don't see it as selling out at all, anyone doing this kind of stuff dreams of being able to do it as their job. Plenty of people have done this sort of thing in the past and it only ever has positive side effects for everyone.


I love how you see FM as a fan service, it sort of is now that I think about it...the people who watch it have probably played or at least heard of the game. I for one can't play HL1/2 now without thinking about what Freeman's thinking


Good luck with the move as well. I am moving for the second time this year at the end of August and for a family of 6 it's a royal pain in the ass.


Oh and thanks to you or your webmaster for fixing the comments and stuff!

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Congratulations Ross! You have an dream's job, I'd love to live in L.A to meet you,but I'm FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR away...(I'm from Costa Rica)...


Wish you the best in your new life...I can't believe you're going to work in Machinima Fulltime...


My dream Job is to be one of the testers of valvE games...Anyway...Congratulations again and have a Very happy full-life


Take Care!!

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danceo: I like many genres of music, but definitely metal and industrial. I will admit though I am a little undereducated when it comes to all the different groups, so it would be cool to meet someone who knows far more about metal than I do.

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Awesome man u working with machinma.com


i dont consider this selling out but moving up in life


hope you will still contine working on freeman mind and civil protection

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Please continue with the FM series Dx I prefer that series over CP only because it goes through the game more accurately, I'm a sucker for that. XD CP is nice, but I really do prefer the FM series by far. I hope there are enough viewers like me to help you gain motivation to keep with the series.


Good luck on moving, and with the job, I hope things work out for you well.

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Glad to hear it. But Freemans Mind CANNOT end, FM, Civil protection, One Life Remaining, Arby and the Chief, and Hard Justice are the only Machinimas i watch, and the three i listed that arent made by you are made by JonDJG, so its not like he is putting them all out at the same time, so if you end FM it will be one less fantastic machinima that ended too early.

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Wow, good luck with the move and all. Heh, I'll be moving soon too. Anyways, good to hear that you'll have some more help with Civil Protection. Too bad you'll have to sell yoyur car though. But still, at least you have a job. Can't wait for Freemans Mind 15 to come out or the Pilot episode.

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woah i live in Virginia too.. you should ask VALVe for a job if you don't like Machinima people, or LA.. You'd probably get the job, or anyone else on the CP team that is good in the SDK could get the job.. and you could give us info about HL2 Ep.3 , although Valve wouldn't like that

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Congrats Ross, didn't know machinima was that big. But anyway, if they ever make Hλlf-Life the movie you should definitley play Freeman. Hope things turn out well man.

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Congrats Ross, didn't know machinima was that big. But anyway, if they ever make Half-Life the movie you should definitley play Freeman. Hope things turn out well man.

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Damn nice!


But don't dare to throw away FM before completing it: it's so nice, a good-humorminute ratio is so big, it's not just mini-series - it's a collection item.

at least for me: this one going to lay on my drives along with thatguywiththeglasses's stuff and several TBs classic movie collection for a day i die.


Bon voyage and best of good luck in your future endeavours

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Nice. Sounds like the real deal. Hope you continue with FM and CP my and my friends love both series and I show them to anyone I can. The material is always new, creative and always funny. So many people have been coping that idea with other games and always get called out for it in the comments lol. Anyways hope you continue I know ill keep watching. Maybe you'll get to meet the Govenator.

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Sweet deal! I wish I could get a job like that.


There's no selling out here at all. Machinima, Inc looks like one of a few companies that keeps their stuff fairly grass-roots. Definitely keep doing CP and FM both. Oh, and good luck finding non-crazy people to hang out with over there.

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Congratulations! Best of luck.

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Ross 4 prez lol

Well good luck and have fun and i hope u get promoted or something to take out half of your bills and expenses

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Nice, now you can speed up the progress for your videos with INCOME! Good for you, now stress is not much of a problem now. Your dream came true.


Note: Don't let fame destroy you like Britney.


P.S: If you look like Guy Fawkes, does that mean that you didn't shave for a long time? XD Just a thought

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sweet, yeah i always wanted to do something like that since i was a kid, i used to draw comic type stuff at school when i was supposed to be learning and i also used to do like cartoon animations and stuff on powerpoint in IT. the irony is that because i was drawing all the time and wasn't paying much attention at school, i didn't get much of an education. so i couldn't get a good job and afford a computer to do that kinda stuff on.


...so i became a musician instead.


if you like 'death' metal, i recommend checking out Gojira.

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