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idea how Ross can easily boost his revenue, without too much work

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watching a recent video of spiffing brit i got an idea how @Ross Scott can easily boost his revenue, without too much work.

recycling long series like freeman's mind and recutting them into long (several hours) form (watch brit's video for why this works and brings income).

the proof is right here (YT search results for "freeman's mind"):


a 2:47:10 hour video compilation has almost as much views as the finale of freeman's mind 1.

so why some random youtuber profits from this and not ross?

I even suggest asking LLM to write some sort of python script that just uses sponsorblock api to cut out all intro, credits from an existing freeman's mind YT playlist and just uses ffmpeg to stich the whole saga together and reupload it as is. so no manual labour required, as ross is as busy as he can be already.

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Thanks for the responses. To clarify the core idea of my post:

The main suggestion is for Ross to create long-form compilations of his own Freeman's Mind series. The key benefits would be:

  1. Potentially increased revenue from these longer videos
  2. Minimal additional work required, as it's just repackaging existing content
  3. Ross would be capitalizing on the apparent popularity of these compilations, rather than other channels

To further clarify the potential profit aspect:

The real benefit comes from how YouTube monetizes longer videos. When viewers watch these long-form compilations (often several hours long) on autoplay, such as while sleeping, it allows YouTube to insert multiple ads throughout the video. We're talking about 6-7 ads across several hours, which can generate significant ad revenue.


This is why creating these longer compilations could be particularly lucrative for Ross. It's not just about view count, but about maximizing ad placement opportunities in a format that viewers often consume passively over extended periods.


So by creating these long-form versions of Freeman's Mind, Ross could tap into this revenue stream that other channels are currently benefiting from using his content. It's a way to optimize his existing work for the YouTube algorithm and viewing habits, potentially resulting in a nice boost to his income with minimal extra effort.

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okay, ross responded to this idea, saying he's not interested in recycling content this way (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbNZ4LhxVHg&t=11184s). 



but, in case anyone among viewers wants to have a giant single movie file with all FM1 episodes stitched together, here's some scripts i used.

i assume you have a folder with videos downloaded using `yt-dlp`, that looks like this:
user@pc /home/user/Videos/YouTube/accursedfarms/FreemansMind/1  
> ls
'Freeman'\''s Mind - Episode 0 [gzY_Sjg7qgg].webm'*
'Freeman'\''s Mind - Episode 10.5 [VqqJ6euyHoY].webm'*
'Freeman'\''s Mind - Episode 10 [GTt6SoonzpY].webm'*
'Freeman'\''s Mind - Episode 11 [HiBh99OANs4].webm'*
'Freeman'\''s Mind - Episode 12 [8alyPGvqhoE].webm'*
'Freeman'\''s Mind - Episode 13 [BO686RdEthk].webm'*
'Freeman'\''s Mind - Episode 14 [kVmvVKRY290].webm'*
'Freeman'\''s Mind - Episode 15 [choM0W2tc78].webm'*
'Freeman'\''s Mind - Episode 1 [5SQhfkpX9bc].webm'*

and so on. in such folder you can run this python script (https://pastebin.com/eZncNaW6) to get info from sponsorblock api and cut each episode, removing things like into, credits etc.

the script will create a sponsorblocked subdir that would contain all FM episodes, trimmed.

to stitch them together, go into sponsorblocked dir and use this bash script https://pastebin.com/z6sgKn0m

after all this you'll end up with a single output.webm file about 9 hours long. congratulations!

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