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The Planet Crafter

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Interesting game but sadly most of it is spent sitting there afk while you wait for the numbers to go up, pretty sure there's an option to multiply the numbers you get per second but that's a janky workaround and you will still end up having to sit there afk a lot, dropped after about 15~ hours of playtime (minus the time spent afk) as me and my friend couldn't really be bothered anymore because new mechanics were gated behind being afk for hours upon hours.

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I'll counter the other comment here by saying I really enjoyed this game a lot. If you're going AFK simply to wait for the meters to go up, then I hate to say it, but you're playing it wrong. There are multiple tools available to speed up production of Oxygen, pressure, and the other gauges. Not to mention there are a lot of hidden locations throughout the maps that you need to go out of your way to explore for, though I suppose all of it is optional. Watching the planet terraform slowly over the hours is a real treat too.

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