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Does Ross Actually Enjoy Making This Series?

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I love all the work that Ross puts out. Whether he believes it or not, I think his writing ability is above standard and his directing skills in Civil Protection certainly add more to the stories. It takes a lot of thought process and effort to come up with all this machinima, so it would be quite sad for me if Ross feels as though he's slaving over Freeman's Mind purely for the demand it receives. I know he has much interest for Civil Protection (the acronym really doesn't work there) which actually makes me enjoy watching them a bit more; knowing I'm supporting his work and that I'm watching the result of something he probably puts his heart into. Unfortunately, I get so much negative vibe whenever he mentions Freeman's Mind.


Maybe it's just me, but does Ross not enjoy making Freeman's Mind?

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The problem with Freeman's Mind is that it's very limiting and takes little effort to make. It's not challenging enough for Ross, I think, who would rather work out his ideas within Civil Protection or even other series. I think at this point, the only reason he is doing Freeman's Mind is to please the fans.

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I guess if he wouldnt enjoy making FM (or would even hate it) he would't do it.

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Just a guess, but I think he goes for Freeman's Mind when he wants something to do, but he's in a "Fuck, too lazy to do CP right now" mood. At this point, he probably does it for the fans, because FM is just as popular as CP, if not more so.

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I sure HOPE he enjoys it, otherwise I'd feel like a demanding little bastard.

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I don't think Ross really hates working on Freeman's Mind. Even if it's easier to mass produce this than Civil Protection, he still is pretty damn good with Freeman's Mind.

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If I recall correctly, he likes it as an easy thing to do in-between his more ambitious ideas like CP or the mysterious Medieval/fantasy series.

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The problem with Freeman's Mind is that it's very limiting and takes little effort to make. It's not challenging enough for Ross, I think, who would rather work out his ideas within Civil Protection or even other series. I think at this point, the only reason he is doing Freeman's Mind is to please the fans.
This is pretty much it. It's not really a matter of challenge, so much as all my best ideas (or what I consider my best) are with other series and not FM. I don't really like neglecting any series I do, though I will say fan interest is keeping FM alive more than anything else. Stuff like CP and some of my other ideas would stay alive almost independent of fan interest just because I have movie ideas that I want to manifest any way I can and would feel much happier if I ever got them completed.


For what it's worth, I really do take how much some fans appreciate the series into consideration. Whenever I hear of somebody re-watching a bunch of episodes, it makes me feel guilty I haven't progressed farther in the game yet.

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I would like to see more of Ross's original ideas, but I also enjoy FM and I like that FM can have quality material put out at a faster rate. Most, if not all, of Ross's original ideas require some kind of animation. Now, I don't know much (or anything, really) about the Source SDK, but animation in general takes up a LOT of time if you want it done well.

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He does but less than CP... or other projects.... :ugeek:

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I bet all the children over at YouTube never give this any thought and just demand another episode pronto.

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I bet all the children over at YouTube never give this any thought and just demand another episode pronto.

You read in the comments section before? Whoo...



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Anyone who claims to have never read YouTube comments would be lying.

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It makes sense that Ross considers FM not much of a challenge or a stimulation. However I frankly consider it to be his best work. I think CP is great, but I really just like Freeman's Mind the best.


Just felt like saying that.

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Pretty much everything Ross has produced so far has been really great, so I really don't mind whether it's FM or something else. As long as you're enjoying it, I think you should do it. That goes for FM and CP and everything else. I'm sure I'll enjoy it regardless of what it is : )

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