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I've put in almost 20 hours in two days. If you miss the old browser version of Mini DayZ, and Project Zomboid is a bit too daunting with it's complicated mechanics. This is the perfect middle ground. Here's my steam review.



I'd put off playing it for a while because I wasn't sure what to do at the start, but recently got a hankering for the old browser version of Mini DayZ, which has been completely destroyed and forsaken by Bohemia. This game is like a mixture of old Mini DayZ and Project Zomboid, because it's complexity and graphics land somewhere in between. But I'd have to say, the overall feel of combat and gore effects far outclass either, as well as having some truly messed up enemies to face. I'm saying some straight up nightmarish body horror type enemies. The true dread and terror in Mini DayZ and Project Zomboid seem to come from the thought of dehydration/ starving to death, or getting so depressed you can't swing a frying pan to save yourself. This has a similar vibe, but also has some stuff to actually be scared of. I have never been able to get into Zomboid mostly because there are so many different mechanics and ways to play the game that I kind of get overwhelmed, my guy has like 20 debuffs in the first 30 minutes, and the combat just felt too slow and sluggish. Zed Zone wins in the action category by a far margin and is the reason I'm  enjoying my time with it so much. This really scratches the itch I get for a solid Mini DayZ type game that's not so complicated but has enough progression and new stuff to do/ see without making me overwhelmed and having to use too much brain power. 

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