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Haha very good episode, keep it up.

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Yay another episode! Keep it up!

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Freeman CAN'T give up! I love the series!

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Oh my goodness that was amazing. Please do HL2 after you are done with this one.

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If you're trying to get all the different flies of the video online at the same time, try uploading the downloadable copy a LONG time before the youtube version

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finally! woot! "how many of you do i have to kill before you realize I am on your side?"



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Lol freeman's seems to give up a lot. keep up the good work!!

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Fuck you too room! xD

Lol I love that cause I say shit like that all the time xD Great job man.

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I love you.


... I mean, good job!

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It's here! It's here! Repent- er I mean REJOICE!!!

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Funny episode as always. Keep up the good work, Ross!

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Superb episode.

I remember spending hours in specifically those vents first time I played HL.

Damn you vents...

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WOOT! I had the feeling a new episode would be released today...

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ROSS! Please read this and answer me!


Can you do me a favor and add in some clever comment about the Poincaré Conjecture or Ricci Flow? Haha. Topology jokes ftw.


Froyd ftw.


I'm really glad you're stretching out the humor to the higher math and physics realms. Even added some poetry lessons in there! Really. It's a good strategy, because it not only gathers a broader audience, but has the high possibility of the people that DON'T know what a "mobius strip" is or what "quantum chromodynamic Lagrangian" [or whatever form of it you mentioned] is. And even if they don't find it absolutely funny, you still have enough crude [but of course brilliant] humor in there to capture the audience anyway. Not to mention you'll couple this higher-intelligence humor with barbeques, which was a good idea.


Keep up the good work- this was one of my favorite episodes yet. And as always, thank you.

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I keep waiting for your episodes to start getting lame, but they never do.

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I listened to your interview and you cant give up on freemans mind, and you should continue on to half life 2, they are to good to not do.

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Eep! I pooped myself a bit when I saw there was a new episode! It was so unexpected!

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Yes Ross you are awsome and we are all jealous lol

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Machinima.com streaming


640x480 WMV (99MB)




Well here's the latest episode, this is a longer one, I can almost guarantee the next one will be shorter though.


To everyone who's sent me subtitles, I'm outrageously behind on that (in some cases weeks), but I haven't forgotten about any of them. I constantly end up in a situation where I feel like by working on one thing I'm neglecting something else. Lately I've mainly been concentrating on making more videos than email. Hopefully some day I'll catch up to everything.

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