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The Polyphasic Sleep Thread

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I find this idea very interesting, wouldn't want to do it anymore though.


Some years ago when I didn't had much pressure on me to work at certain hours,

I worked with dreams to better induce lucid dreams.

There I also found out that sleeping outside of the usual pattern makes it easier

to 'wake up' in a lucid dream directly after minutes of laying down (though of

course I need to be at least a bit tired for this). Normally it takes me at least

half a hour to fall asleep.

At some point my sleep pattern shifted from sleeping my eight hours a night to

sleeping now and then for one or max. two hours but still around six, seven hours

a day total though.


As someone who likes to dream, this was simply awesome.

Falling asleep fast and immediately starting to dream with increasing percentage

of lucid dreaming. :)


Well, of course it also had some drawbacks. At some point I didn't much cared

for time anymore. I had no use for it. The only thing that still reminded me of it

was of course the day and night cycle. Also since everyone else was sleeping,

at night you couldn't do as much as you could while the sun is up.

And if I didn't wanted to work or play with the computer, it was quite boring at



I kept that up for I think around four month. After some time I wasn't so much

interested in lucid dreaming anymore. I pretty much tried everything I wanted

in dreams and well, it kinda got boring to control everything in them.

So I stopped and got suprisingly quickly back into the usual nighttime sleep.


Well, I guess that is somewhat what you meant with polyphasic sleep?


On another note. If you do much physical labour the day, you will need your

sleep so your body can regenerate enough.

I think Polyphasic sleep might only be good for people with deskjobs or similar?

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That's kind of like polyphasic sleep, but usually the goal of polyphasic sleep is to reduce the amount of time you spend sleeping.


The blogger that I posted about earlier said that if staying up all night was boring, then that just means you're boring.

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This thread seems to be proving that the Accursed Forums are overrun with insomniacs, lol. I average around two hours from putting my head to the pillow to actually going to sleep, if I get any at all. Been relying upon a few naps during the day for the past week.

"That which you do not know, is not a moral charge against you; but that which you refuse to know, is an account of infamy growing in your soul. Make every allowance for errors of knowledge; do not forgive or accept any breach of morality."

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Circadian rhythm: more proof that humans are naturally monophasic.


Trying a new, easier experiment today. Apparently, if you don't eat for sixteen hours, you can manipulate your circadian rhythm. After that fast, once you start eating, your body will consider whatever time you started eating as the beginning of the day. I've been going to bed at four a.m. and waking up at 2 p.m.; I'm trying this so I can reset my clock.


Arbiter, that's interesting. So you only get two hours a night and rely on naps throughout the day? How many hours in total do you get per day? Do you function just as normally as if you slept a full night?

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What I meant was that I took about two hours or more to fall asleep, spending that time just sitting there trying to go to sleep, and sometimes just not sleeping at all. Getting a 2-6 hour "nap" irregularly whenever my body has just decided it wont stay up anymore. Seems to be clearing up now, but getting back into the pattern of oversleeping I usually get into during the summer.

"That which you do not know, is not a moral charge against you; but that which you refuse to know, is an account of infamy growing in your soul. Make every allowance for errors of knowledge; do not forgive or accept any breach of morality."

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I've been reading about this (and just read the whole thread). Here in C.R We're in mid-year vacations, so we don't go to school for about 1 month, I'm thinking of choosing the Everyman cycle. I have tons of free time now and no obligations... So I won't screw something up just because I'm too sleepy or can't focus. My normal schedule is the following:


10-11 PM go to sleep

5:45 -6:00 AM wake up

7:00 AM bus to school

7:30 AM: arrival to school

2:25 PM go home ( 35-45 mins bus ride, can sneak a nap in there)

3:00- 3:15 arrive home.

10-11 sleep again.


School works should be done between my arrival home and 10 PM... I'm still thinking where to put those naps.. Any ideas?




I tried to sort my naps the best way I could:


2:00-5:30 AM : Core nap (time I need to get to sleep + 3 hours)

4-5 PM : (30 mins to get to sleep + 30 minutes nap)

7:30 PM - 8:30 PM : (30 minutes to get to sleep + 30 minutes nap)

10:30-11:30 (30 minutes to get to sleep + 30 minutes nap)


Seems like I'll be sleeping 6 hours but no, I need at least 15 minutes to get to sleep... So I'm sleeping 4,5 hours... got some photoshopping to do on my photos and a couple of games to finish so I shouldn't get bored while adjusting...



Any thoughts?

''Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.'' - Steve Jobs

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Any thoughts?


Don't worry with the time needed to get to sleep.

If you are really tired (which you probably will be), then your body will pretty

much fall asleep on itself without you even trying to.


Mostly we are not tired enough to go to sleep when we want to. When you

have your second night with only 3 hours sleep, (and if you are as normal as

everyone else in that matter ;) ), then you will have no problems falling asleep

in mere minutes for the naps. But be careful to not oversleep them or else your

body adept to it as a big cycle.

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Another concern is... can I re adjust my naps? for example, instead of 4:20-5:00 PM I can move it like 1-2 PM or not? Because That schedule was made for school days, not that I'm on holydays I have waaay more free time...

''Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.'' - Steve Jobs

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Sure you can readjust them however you like.

As long as it makes no problems to your life and health, then there should be no

problem with whatever sleeping pattern you prefer. :)

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I eat vegetables/fruits like once a month. I love meat. mostly seafood.

edit: i didn't know there was a page 2. i thought it ended on the first page.


EDIT: Uh oh. Saw this while reading a blog on polyphasic sleep. Read the last paragraph.


My diet is almost all meat; I can't stand most vegetables. I'm having even more doubts...

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